Monday, May 10, 2010


TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today joined Governor
Crist to announce the launch of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Legal
Advisory Council, a pro bono legal advisory council to ensure that Florida
has the very best talent in the legal community to assist the state as it
assesses the impact of the oil spill on the economy, businesses and local
industries, natural resources, and citizens.

“Floridians need our help now and it is never too early to tap into the
best legal resources available,” said Attorney General McCollum. “By
taking this step today, we will be in the best position possible when
moving forward with any litigation or other resolution on behalf of
Florida and its citizens.”

The Council will be chaired by former Attorneys General Butterworth and
Jim Smith who will immediately begin a vetting process and identify firms,
lawyers, and other experts who can be of assistance to the council. The
Council will also be charged with collecting the ideas and suggestions of
its members, including general courses of action to be taken now; legal
strategies and theories; and data and information collection and

The Council will work closely with the lawyers in the Attorney General’s
Office and others from each of the state agencies that have some role
regarding this spill. Floridians with questions about the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill Legal Advisory Council should call the Attorney
General’s toll-free hotline at 1-866-966-7226.

The Attorney General also stressed that business owners should retain any
information that indicates any decline in business as a result of the
spill. Benchmarks should be included from the past two to three years.
Individuals and business owners should not sign waivers or settlement
offers until they know what their full damages will be. These offers could
be premature or even fraudulent. Consumers can also report fraud to the
Attorney General’s hotline at 1-866-966-7226. e-mail with comments

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