Friday, May 14, 2010

Emergency Officials Busy Protecting Resources while Tourism/Seafood Experts Focus on Repairing Economy Damaged by Oil-spill Fear

Officials say moderate southeast winds are expected hold any oil-related impacts well away from Florida's coastline for at least the next several days. Franklin County beaches and sensitive wetlands are fine and continue to be located well away from any potential impact as identified on NOAA’s daily trajectory maps.

As federal, state and local emergency officials scramble to protect the State's environmental resources, regional tourism officials, including members of the Franklin County TDC convened in Destin May 14 to strategize with Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association (FRLA) leaders, Visit Florida marketing experts and legislators on how to reverse a statewide spiraling tourism industry damaged from negative press about the oil spill. While no firm decisions were made, the group did agree that more marketing funds were going to be needed and that the Panhandle coastal counties most hard hit would receive a weighted share of the funds to help rebuild their damaged economies.

In Franklin County, tourism leaders have already begun developing a multi-tiered marketing plan that includes heavy video and internet marketing to help the get the good word out that all is still well in Franklin County. Click here to watch Forgotten Coast TV's John Spohrer as he gives a beach report from St. George Island and talks with Dana Ingalls about how our beaches are clean and people are out soaking up the rays and enjoying the cool breezes. e-mail with comments

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