Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Florida looks for information from businesses on Gulf of Mexico oil spill

The State Emergency Response Team, Florida’s official responder for emergency events, is collecting information on the business impact from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The team includes business and industry volunteers to help government and business leaders plan recovery after an event. For more about the Florida State Emergency Response Team, please visit http://www.floridadisaster.org/index.asp.

Please complete the following survey to assist the State Emergency Response Team with decisions that will be made regarding this event. This is not a claim for any loss experienced.

Responses are anonymous, and every business should complete the survey, even if no loss has occurred. If the business has multiple locations, please complete one response from each location. These surveys will be ongoing, and your responses should be cumulative from April 20, 2010 forward. Please look for Survey #3 in the next few days.

To take the survey click HERE.

http://www.oysterradio.com e-mail manager@oysterradio.com with comments

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