Thursday, May 13, 2010

Governor wants 35 million dollars from BP to pay for advertising campaign

Florida governor Charlie Crist has asked BP to fork over nearly 35 million dollars so the Sunshine State can advertise that its beaches are oil free and open for business. The Governor wants the money to be used to create an immediate marketing campaign to counter the negative, widespread and false information potential visitors to Florida are receiving about the oil spill’s impact on Florida’s beaches and waters.

So far the oil has not affected any beach in Florida or any of Florida’s seafood.
In a letter to BP, Governor Crist requested nearly 25 million dollars for an emergency campaign, established immediately and continuing through July targeting in-state, domestic and international markets. The Governor also requested an additional 10 million dollars for advertising for impacted counties which would continue through September.

Getting tourists into Florida is crucial for the state’s economy. Tourism in Florida provides 21 percent of the state’s total taxable sales, and tourism industry employment represents more than one million jobs.

In 2008, tourism returned $3.9 billion to Florida in tax revenue and generated $65.2 billion in direct economic impact.

2010.5.12 Letter to Lamar McKay e-mail with comments

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