Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Representative Leonard Bembry Addresses Governor and Florida Cabinet About Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster

A press release from Leonard Bembry's office.

TALLAHASSEE, FL -- State Representative Leonard Bembry (D-Greenville), House District 10, addressed Governor Crist and the Florida Cabinet on Tuesday regarding the potentially devastating effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The State of Florida is properly set up to do a great job in dealing with the Deepwater Horizon incident. All federal, state, and local entities are working very closely together to protect Florida from the potentially catastrophic threats.

Representative Bembry’s district comprises all or part of 10 small counties, nine of which are fiscally constrained and six are coastal counties directly involved with the threat of oil contamination.

“I represent 321 miles of Florida coastline and this issue is extremely critical to District 10. I am very concerned about our beautiful beaches, wildlife and the pristine grass beds where many of our fish spawn,” stated Representative Bembry.

“I feel very comfortable with what our state is doing in preparing for this threat in most areas. However, many of our counties have volunteers ready to move into action should oil come ashore. The volunteers need to have proper training to deal with the situations they will encounter. Our volunteers and local officials were not able to get good answers as to where the financial relief will come from and who will write the checks. I am concerned that BP has not designated representatives from their organization to work with the leadership of each county in order to have their contingency plans approved.” e-mail with comments

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