Saturday, August 7, 2010


TALLAHASSEE – Tomorrow, August 7, 2010, marks the 100th day of activation for the Florida State Emergency Response Team’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident. For more than three months, Florida emergency response officials have focused on maximizing response efforts and minimizing impacts associated with this disaster.

“BP’s completion of cementing operations on the well as part of the static kill procedure give us further encouragement that we are close to a permanent fix,” said Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Michael W. Sole. “Although this event is not yet over, we are hopeful that impacts to Florida’s shores will continue to decrease as the well remains capped and no new oil is leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.”

“Florida’s response to the Deepwater Horizon event has now surpassed the 90 days of activation for Hurricane Andrew in 1992,” said Florida Division of Emergency Management Director David Halstead. “I am extremely proud of this team for their continuing hard work, professionalism and dedication to protecting this great state.”

Florida’s Deepwater Horizon Response – By the Numbers
April 30 – August 5, 2010

100               Days of activation at the State Emergency Operations Center.
176               Relocated Loggerhead turtle nests.
200               Approximate miles of Florida’s coastline impacted throughout the event.
518                Total visibly oiled wildlife recovered along Florida’s coast by wildlife responders.
700                Estimated reconnaissance flights conducted covering Florida’s coastline.
7,847             Total number of reconnaissance reports received.
36,655           Total claims approved by BP for Floridians for property damage.
973,200         Total feet of boom deployed in Florida.
$57,210,384  Total dollars paid out by BP to Floridians with property damage claims.
$83,100,000  Total grant dollars awarded by BP to the state of Florida.

State emergency response officials remain dedicated to protecting Florida’s beaches and the health and well-being of its residents, visitors and wildlife. Visit to learn more about Florida’s response to the Deepwater Horizon incident, sign up for daily updates, view tips for businesses and consumers, find a listing of Unified Command, BP and Florida phone numbers, and more. e-mail with comments

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