Monday, August 9, 2010

New Website Seeks Local Business Input

Riverway South Apalachicola-Choctawhatchee (RWSAC) is a partnership of 8 counties along the Apalachicola and Choctawhatchee Rivers with a goal to promote historic/cultural/nature-based tourism in the 8 – county region. RWSAC strives to bring economic benefits to small communities along the rivers through sustainable tourism. They have developed an interactive website to help visitors plan their trips to the area. They are looking for local museums, historic sites, recreation areas, local eateries and lodging, and outfitters or guides that provide visitor services. Anyone can load data into this website: by clicking on ‘add new entry’ on the top left of map and entering data in the fields. To avoid duplicating efforts take look at the interactive map and see what has already been entered. New entries need the following:
• Address with zip code • Photo (something that will make a tourist want to visit) • Text description • Contact information e-mail with comments

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