Wednesday, December 8, 2010


TALLAHASSEE -- A cold front moving through the state caused temperatures to dip below the freezing mark in many areas and is increasing the potential for wildfires.

"These low temperatures create dead and dry vegetation that allow wildfires to start and burn easily," said Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Charles Bronson.   "A lack of the typical tropical moisture usually seen during hurricane season has left Florida drier than normal in spite of recent rainfall.  These frosts and freezes will make a bad situation worse," Bronson said.

Recently, Commissioner Bronson stated that his Division of Forestry is expecting wildfire activity during 2011 to be higher than normal due to the strong La Nina weather conditions currently in place.  Similar conditions in the past have been associated with Florida's five most active wildfire years.

"This cold front could lead to increased wildfire activity sooner than expected," Bronson said.  "I would urge all residents to do everything possible to increase the probability that their home will survive a wildfire."

Bronson urges everyone to concentrate on the three most important areas of their home:

1.  Roof and gutters -- should be free of all vegetation and debris.

2.  Around the sides of the house -- keep the area clean and landscape the area using plants with low flammability; keep organic mulch, especially pine straw, moist.

3.  Within 30 feet of the house -- keep the area mowed, watered within current local water management guidelines, and keep all debris and brush picked up.

"It's important for everyone to remember that almost 80 percent of all wildfires in Florida are caused by humans.  Wildfires that don't start can't injure residents or damage structures.  Be careful when using anything that involves fire or high heat, or that can cause a spark to ignite nearby brush.  With your help, we can avoid a wildfire disaster in Florida."

For more information on things you can do to lower the wildfire risk around your home and community or how to prevent wildfires, please visit e-mail with comments

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