Wednesday, December 8, 2010

County commission question newspaper advertising costs

            Franklin County commissioners say the county has been paying too much for newspaper advertising and at least one commissioner wants to get the county’s money back.
The board said on Tuesday that Franklin County has been paying more than they thought for legal ads in the Apalachicola Times.
Since May of 2009 the county has not had a signed contract with the Times so is has not received the 1.04 cent per square inch price they negotiated in 2009.
Instead they were paying a higher price – commissioners said they probably paid about 10 thousand dollars more than they thought they should.
County attorney Michael Shuler said he didn’t think there was much that can be done at this point, but Commissioner Pinki Jackel said she thinks the board needs to try to get that money back.
The board took no action on the overpayments on Tuesday, but commissioner Jackel said she will seek some action when the board meets again on the 21st. e-mail with comments

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