Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FRA takes legal action over Gulf Gag emergency closure

As part of an ongoing fight to protect the rights of recreational fisherman in Florida and around the nation from an onslaught of over-regulation on the part of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Fishing Rights Alliance (FRA) today announced the filing of an Expedited Relief Request in response to NMFS’ emergency closure of Gag Grouper in the Gulf of Mexico, to be acted on prior to January 1, 2011 by the United States District Court, Tampa, FL.  Read the complaint at www.thefra.org/gag32TV.htm.
The suit, on behalf of the sport fisherman and the many industries that support or are related to it, is to stop the NMFS's and NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) attempt to ban fishing for Gag Grouper, a species known by sport fisherman to be abundant in the Gulf. Underlying all attempts to shut down sport fishing is a worldwide attempt to globalize fisheries by placing all water-body management under the auspices of the United Nation's Marine Spatial Plan (http://www.unesco-ioc-marinesp.be/).
The FRA contends that the closure does not meet the very narrow closure guidelines set forth in the Magnuson-Stevens Act for the potential economic damage done by such a shut-down.  According to FRA Executive Director Dennis O'Hern “The jobs lost and economic impact caused by this unnecessary closure will further devastate Florida, where over 90% of all Gulf Gag Grouper is landed, as well as the other four Gulf states.  The move to privatize ownership of the fisheries is propelled by greed and the creation of artificial crises, as is the case with Gag grouper.”
The lawsuit intends to stop the NMFS from shutting down a range of fishing-related industries critical to the Gulf Coast economy.  NMFS efforts could eventually result in the loss of more than 100,000 jobs in Gulf States that rely on fishing for their economic health.
Among a host of related arguments, the suit contends that
                     The Deepwater Horizon oil spill did not affect grouper stocks;
                     The closure does not prevent – but rather exacerbates – the conflict between user groups.
                     It is faulty data that is creating the emergency.
                     The Gag Grouper closure in unlawful.

For further information, contact Dennis O’Hern, Executive Director, Fishing Rights Alliance
4604 49th Street North, #34
St. Petersburg, FL  33709

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