Monday, January 10, 2011


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“The future belongs to the educated.”     - Milken Family Foundation

**Miss Seahawk Pageant:  The second annual Miss Seahawk Pageant will take place on Feb. 26 in the school
         cafeteria.  To be eligible to compete, girls must attend FCS & be in Pre-K – 11th grade.  There will be five age brackets.
         The entry fee is $50. See Ms. Lynn Clark for applications.  Contestants must turn in a registration packet, along
         with entry fee, no later than Feb. 11 to Ms. Clark.  

**GCCC SCHOLARSHIP Advising:  Today, Jan. 11, and on Feb. 3, & Feb. 17, at the Student Union East Panama
         City from 11:00am-1:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm.  Also, at the Gulf Franklin Center on Feb. 10, from 5:00-7:00pm.

**SCHOLARSHIPS:  Seniors, scholarships are coming in!  Important Tips:  1) Encourage your parents to file their Income Tax Return as soon as possible (Pell grant & some scholarships require a copy).   2) Prepare- Essays, letters of
reference, resumes.  
             -Florida Realtors Scholarship Essay Contest:  Due by Feb. 9.  
                                                                                Scholarship Kits in Mrs. Duhart’s room or Mrs. McGrath’s office. 
            -Best Buy Scholarship for grades 9-12:  Due by Feb. 16. 
                                                                                 Apply at:   or 
            -Dixie Youth Baseball & Softball Scholarships:   Due by March 1.       See Mrs. Duhart.


**K-5th Grade:  Turkey Pot Pie, Broccoli w/Cheese, Fresh Fruit

**6th -12th Grade:  Choice of above or Pizza, Chicken Item, Chef Salad, or Lite Alternative

Mark Your Calendars . . .
**NO SCHOOL:    Monday, January 17 – Observance of Martin Luther King Day

**SEMESTER EXAMS:     January 19, 20, & 21 - early dismissal days – dismiss @ 12:30pm

**REPORT CARDS:    January 28


**Tue, Jan 11:     -H/S NHS in room 1210 during breakfast
                             -FCA Meetings during M/S and H/S lunches in the gym
                             -Away Soccer games vs. Wakulla -      Girls @ 5:00pm        Boys @ 7:00pm
                             -Away Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Bay County @ 4:30pm                         
                             -Away JV/Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Bay County -     JV @ 6:30pm       Varsity @ 8:00pm
**Wed, Jan 12:    -SGA meeting during H/S lunch

**Thur, Jan 13:   -HS Beta Club meeting in room 1217 during breakfast
                            -Junior Class Prom Committee Meeting in Room 809 during lunch

**Fri, Jan 14:      -ACTIVITY SCHEDULE for M/S & H/S   -   Club meetings

**Sat, Jan 15:    -Home Varsity Girls Basketball game vs. Port St. Joe @ 4:30pm
                           -Home JV/ Varsity Boys Basketball games vs. Port St. Joe -   JV @ 6:00pm         Varsity @ 7:30pm

**Mon, Jan 17:   NO SCHOOL in Observance of Martin Luther King Day


** Franklin County School-Related Employee of the Year :  This is the first year a support staff member will be selected
              as a “Franklin County School-Related Employee of the Year”.  Support staff includes, but not limited to:
        paraprofessionals, secretaries, food service staff, bus drivers, custodians, bookkeepers, maintenance workers, &
        mechanics. Nomination packets may be picked up from Ms. Browning’s desk @ FCS, Joy Towns at FLC, & Rosa 
             Tolliver @ the school board office.      Packets must be submitted by tomorrow, Jan. 12th at 4:00pm.
             The winner will be announced in March.

**FACULTY:  Wed, Jan. 12, Joyce Durham with Franklin EOC will be in the library from 8:00am until ???  to issue “re-entry
                       tags”.   See Mr. London’s 1/7/11 email for further info.

**KG & ESE TEACHERS:  Fri, Jan. 14, demonstration of reading program in room 614 @ 9;30am

**CULINARY CLASS CAFÉ:  Fri, Jan. 14, serving from 10:45am-1:30pm.   Donation- $8.00
       MENU:  Low Country Boil, Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice, Collard Greens, Cornbread
                                                 Desserts:  Banana Pudding, Blackberry Cobbler

**RTI MEETINGS:   Every Tuesday                **PBS MEETINGS:  Every 3rd Monday of each month

**FACULTY MEETINGS:  Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month

**First Annual Oyster Cook-Off:  Saturday, Jan. 15th, at the Apalachicola Veterans Waterfront Park from 1:00pm-7:00pm.  The event will also include fun activities for kids & adults, music, food demonstration, and Art in the Sponge Exchange!  If interested in competing in the Oyster Cook-Off or have questions, visit  or call Marisa Getter @ 850/323-0385.     Fundraiser for the Apalachicola Volunteer Fire Department.

**Child Find Pre-K Screenings:  Thursday, Jan. 27th, at Franklin County Learning Center (old Brown Elem.) from 8:30am-12:00noon.  Screenings for children ages 3-4 years with special needs (vision, hearing, speech, & developmental issue) and are not enrolled in public school.   Screenings by appointment only by calling toll free @   1-866-277-6616.

**Voluntary Pre-K: Children must be 4 years old on or before September 1st.  Call the Early Learning Coalition at 850/747-5400 for more information or to apply for a VPK certificate. No “Child Find Screening” is required for voluntary Pre-K.

**GED CLASSES on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays (except holidays) from 4:00pm-8:00pm at the
                                       Franklin County Learning Center (the old Brown Elementary).
The next GED Test will be given Jan. 24 & 25 (note change of dates), at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. 
To register for the test contact Linda Bradley during GED classes or Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481.
The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, handicap, or marital status e-mail with comments

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