Friday, February 3, 2012

County Planner Alan Pierce's Report to the Franklin County Commission for February 7th meeting

Report to the Board of County Commissioners
February 7, 2012

1- Board direction on participating in the Camp Gordon Johnston Parade on Saturday,
March 10. The Parade starts at 10:45 AM.

2- Inform the Board that the Airport Advisory Committee has met and reviewed
the applications for the airport FBO and the new hanger, but I am holding the
recommendation until the Feb. 21 meeting as directed at the Jan. 17 county commission
meeting. I am reporting that the Committee did agree to the one month lease by Siller
Helicopter in the new hanger so that they could store their Sikorsky Crane Helicopter.
The agreed rent was $2000 and I have invoiced Siller for the money.

3- Mr. Tom Slocum, a retired Delta Airline executive, is recommended by the Airport
Committee to become a new member. The Airport Committee does not have a set
number of members so it is possible to add members at the pleasure of the Board. Board

4- Remind Board and public that the military will carry on another training exercise in
the area from Feb. 17-March 12. I have contact information for anyone that needs it.

5- Board action to approve Change Order No. 2, which is the final change order to clean
up various items on the stormwater project at the airport. Mr. Ted Mosteller and the
airport engineers have signed off on the change order.

6- Inform the Board that I have contacted Michael Bloodworth and he is coming back
next week to fix the solar lights at Abercombie boat ramp.

7- Inform the Board that I have contacted Transfield about Woodill Road and about the
Two Mile area. On Woodill Road, Transfield has cut back more vegetation, and will be
placing more milled asphalt along the north side of US 98. In the 2 Mile area, Transfield
will begin next week to clean out the large ditch on the northern edge of the US 98 ROW.
They will start at Airport Road and work their way into town. I have also told them
about the grass in the emergency lane on the eastern end of the county.

8- The Chairman and I met with Transfield personnel on Friday, Feb. 3, to discuss
improvements to the bridge cleaning contract and some other items. Transfield is willing
to consider providing additional funds if it can be justified so I am putting together a
proposal for Transfield to consider.
Transfield, on their part, would like greater assistance from the county informing
residents who live along a state highway that it is illegal to put anything in the state
ROW. While the county allows it on county roads, it is not allowed on the state
highway. Both FHP and FDOT can issue citations with fines up to $500.

9- Ms. Leslie Palmer, DACS, is here to discuss the two issues the Board raised at the
last Board meeting- eliminating the harvesting seasons, and improving the shell planting

10- Alligator Point Update- Inform the Board that both FEMA and DEP have been
visited Alligator Point recently. DEP has issued the county a Warning Letter informing
the County that we have 30 days to respond to their demand that we remove the concrete
debris that is found along parts of the revetment in front South Shoal. The Board needs
to direct county staff to respond to the Warning Letter. Mr. Shuler, Chairman Jackel, and
I met with DEP staff prior to the Warning Letter being issued. I recommend that I be
directed to develop a debris removal plan for submission to DEP. I have been in contact
with FEMA and the cost of removing the debris will be covered in one or more of the still
open FEMA PWs for the Alligator Point relocation project. Board action.
I met with five FEMA representatives on Jan. 26 to update them on the status of
the road relocation project. We have submitted a request for reimbursement for the
approximately $307,000 we have spent on purchasing a section of Tom Roberts Road
from Capital City Bank. By all indications FEMA has approved the reimbursement and
the check is in the mail. Contingent upon receiving those funds I am recommending the
Board direct Mr. Shuler and I to begin the acquisition of the 4 Secon Village lots that will
allow an additional section of Alligator Point Road to be relocated. As hard as this is to
believe, the FEMA reps reminded me that Alligator Point Road is the first permanent
road relocation project using FEMA funds that has occurred in the entire state so we need
to take advantage of the funds while we have them.

11- Health Department update- As the Board directed, Chairman Jackel, Mr. Shuler,
and I met on Jan. 18 with DOH representatives Robert “Sterling” Whisenhunt, Kim
Barnhill, and a DOH attorney, in Tallahassee to discuss the re-opening of the Carrabelle
Clinic. Chairman Jackel led off the meeting with a strong complaint about the lack of
communication between DOH and the Board. She reminded the DOH representatives of
the critical role the Carrabelle Clinic plays in providing health care in the eastern end of
the county.
The DOH representatives stated that the Clinic had a minor mold problem that
they believe would be solved within 30 days. DOH would then begin to return services
to the building starting with WIC one day a month. The WIC program would continue in
Apalach 3 days a month. The number of days WIC is available is based on need. DOH
also has a dental program that could be placed in the Carrabelle building, but they made
no commitment on re-opening the Clinic as before. They also offered to assist the
county in trying to get the North Florida Medical Clinic in Eastpoint to provide better
service to the un and under-insured residents in the county.

12- Inform Board I will be out of town Feb. 11-18. e-mail with comments

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