Highlights - December 5, 2012 |
On November 30, NOAA Fisheries announced a proposed listing for 66 coral species: 59 in the Pacific and seven in the Caribbean. The public has 90 days to provide additional comments, which will be considered before NOAA issues its final decision.
Read the recent interview about West Coast catch shares, a new management system that divides the quotas for Pacific whiting and a broad array of bottom-dwelling fish like Dover sole, sablefish and rockfishes into exclusive shares assigned to individual fishermen.
NOAA Fisheries is amending the 2006 Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan based on several shark stock assessments that were completed from 2009 to 2012. Comments due February 12, 2013.
NOAA Fisheries announces our intent to issue Exempted Fishing Permits, Scientific Research Permits, Display Permits, Letters of Acknowledgment, and Chartering Permits for the collection of Atlantic Highly Migratory Species in 2013. Please comment by December 20, 2012.
This redfish rule would expand on a previously approved sector exemption by allowing groundfish sector trawl vessels to target redfish using nets with codend mesh as small as 4.5 inches. The extended comment period ends December 31, 2012.
The list of individuals and entities approved to complete vessel hold capacity measurements for Tier 1 and 2 Atlantic mackerel permit holders has expanded. We have also extended the deadline to submit vessel hold capacity to December 31, 2013, or during a vessel replacement transaction, whichever comes first.
At the request of the New England Fishery Management Council, this notice announces a "control date" for qualifying landings and permit history for a limited access or allocation-based management program and limits on the accumulation of excessive control or ownership of fishing privileges in the small-mesh multispecies fishery. Comment by December 28, 2012.
Gillnet fishermen in the Northeast region of the United States are making strident efforts to reduce harbor porpoise interactions and preliminary data shows a low number of takes in the month of October.
River herring (alewife and blue back herring), range along the East Coast and have supported one of the oldest fisheries in the United States. Read about the current activities to protect and restore river herring populations.
The annual Wellfleet Oyster Festival was a great success in its 12th year. The festival brought an estimated 25,000 visitors to the small town on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The festival promotes recycling, improved water quality, and creation of oyster habitat.
Based on new data collected this summer, NOAA is withdrawing a proposed rule to require turtle excluder devices (TEDs) for skimmer trawls, pusher-head trawls, and wing-net trawls in the southeast shrimp fisheries.
NMFS accepted a petition to delist Southern Resident killer whales, which are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. A review has begun to determine the population's ESA status. Please provide information by January 28, 2013.
NOAA Fisheries and Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans commissioned an independent scientific panel to determine to what extent salmon harvests affect the survival and recovery of ESA-listed Southern Resident killer whales by reducing the abundance of their prey.
One reason it's fun to be a NOAA Fisheries scientist is because of the cool research gadgets. Check out the new, low-cost method of researching marine life designed by our scientists at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center-a Wave Glider-Echosounder.
"Putting Rockfish Back Where They Belong," published by Science Magazine in early November, discusses encouraging research findings regarding the use of recompression devices to release rockfish suffering from barotrauma injury.
Find out what Teacher at Sea Alex Eilers learned during her research cruise on the NOAA Ship David Starr Jordan
For our scientists onboard Alaskan research cruises, it was a busy season-studying walleye Pollock, conducting ecosystem surveys, analyzing distribution and abundance of phyto- and zooplankton and pelagic fishes, and examining linkages between climate, sea-ice, krill, and baleen whales.
Dec. 4-6: Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting December 4-6, Santa Cruz, California
Nov-Dec: NOAA Fisheries holds free Atlantic Shark Identification workshops and Protected Species Safe Handling, Release, and Identification workshops
Nov-Dec: NOAA Fisheries holds training workshops on Electronic Reporting System for Federal Atlantic Swordfish, Shark, and Tuna Dealers
May-Jan: Crimes Against Marine Mammals-NOAA-Sponsored Exhibit in D.C. extended through January 2013
Registration Opening Soon: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries 3 Conference, Washington, D.C., May 7-9, 2013. Registration opens soon.
Dec. 13: Applications for 2013 Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Shark Research Fishery due.
Dec. 13: The Pacific Fishery Management Council's South of Humbug Policy Workgroup (Workgroup) for Pacific halibut will hold a work session which is open to the public.
Dec 14: Nominations for National Wetlands Awards due.
Dec. 20: NMFS solicits nominations until December 20, 2012 for the Advisory Panel for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review.
Dec 28: Applications due for Director position in NOAA Research Climate Program Office.
Jan. 18, 2013: Call for Nominations is open for the Dr. Nancy Foster Habitat Conservation Award.
Click here for a list of only those actions open for public comment. Scroll search for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
For a list of all daily actions, check the Federal Register online.
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