Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Coastal Strand: Volunteers Needed to Help Beach Birds Nest in Peace

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Audubon Florida: Coastal Strand
January 2013

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Hang Out at the Beach for a Good Cause: Baby Birds

Tis' the season for Florida's original beach babies!

Wilson's Plover and Chick by RJ Wiley
 Wilson's Plover and Chick
 Photo by RJ Wiley
With May already upon us, tis the season for Florida’s original beach babies — Least Terns, Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers and American Oystercatchers! These amazing birds lay their well camouflaged eggs in shallow hollows on bare sand and raise their fluffy chicks on our local beaches.
While they are adapted to survive this harsh environment of sun, sand, and salt with protection from their parents, chicks and eggs struggle to survive when beach-goers inadvertently flush parents from their nests. Left exposed to the harsh sun and predators, one disturbance can spell disaster for these vulnerable chicks.

You Can Help Beach Birds Nest in Peace

To help these signature Florida species nest safely and successfully, Audubon and our partners post signs and twine around their nesting areas. For added protection, volunteers chaperon these posted areas on busy warm-weather weekends to educate beach-goers about the birds and the reason for the posted areas. Research has found beach-goers are nine times more likely to respect posted areas when stewards are present.
This year in the Panhandle, Audubon is coordinating stewards at key nesting sites from Franklin to Escambia counties. If you would be willing to hang out with cute chicks at the beach for an afternoon, we need you! To learn more about how you can help, contact Bonnie Samuelsen at 850-866-7152
Please contact Bonnie today. A few hours of your time spent relaxing at the beach can make the difference for these remarkable birds!
Sites will vary from weekend to weekend depending upon where active nesting is occurring, but may include:
Camp Helen State Park
St. Andrews State Park and Shell Island
Big Lagoon State Park
Perdido Key State Park
Pensacola Beach
St. George Island State Park
Alligator Point
St. Joseph Peninsula State Park
Henderson Beach State Park
Santa Rosa
Navarre Beach State Park
Deer Lake State Park
Grayton Beach State Park
Topsail Hill State Park

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