Thursday, May 22, 2014

Check FDOT’s 511 for Memorial Day Weekend Travel Updates

Check FDOT’s 511 for Memorial Day Weekend Travel Updates
Call 511, Visit, Download the Florida 511 App or Follow 511 on Twitter

TALLAHASSEE – Motorists can expect more than 1.6 million travelers on Florida roadways during the Memorial Day weekend, according to AAA. Travelers can use the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) 511 Traveler Information System to stay up-to-date on crashes, congestion, construction and more on all of Florida’s interstates, toll roads and other major metropolitan roadways.

There are four convenient ways for motorists to receive traffic updates:
·         Call 511 toll free for updates in English and Spanish.
·         Visit for interactive roadway maps showing traffic congestion and crashes, travel times and traffic camera views.
·         Download the free Florida 511 mobile app available on Google Play and iTunes.
·         Follow one of the 12 statewide, regional or roadway-specific feeds on Twitter

In addition to traffic information on Florida roadways, travelers also can receive public transit, airport and seaport information by calling 511, and users can be transferred to 511 systems in Georgia and Louisiana. Florida 511 travel alerts are available in both English and Spanish.
FDOT reminds all travelers to check 511 before hitting the road, have a passenger check 511 while driving or pull over to avoid distracted driving.

Traffic Updates on Twitter
For updates via Twitter, FDOT encourages travelers to follow the Florida 511 Twitter feeds:
·         @FL511_State
·         @FL511_Northeast
·         @FL511_Panhandl
·         @FL511_Central
·         @FL511_TampaBay
·         @FL511_Southeast
·         @FL511_Southwest
·         @FL_511_I4
·         @FL511_I10
·         @FL511_I75
·         @FL511_I95
·         @FL511_Turnpike

Safety Tips
·         Call 511 before driving or have a passenger call to avoid using a phone while driving.
·         Customize your trip at before leaving to minimize time spent on the phone.
·         Leave yourself ample time to reach your destination to avoid feeling rushed.
·         Take regular breaks and rotate drivers during long trips to avoid driving while fatigued. 
·         Always wear a safety belt.
·         Don’t drink and drive.

Florida 511 Features
·         Traffic information on all interstate highways, toll roads and many other metropolitan roadways.
·         Commuter travel times and reports on crashes, congestion and construction.
·         Public transit, airport and seaport information.
·         AMBER, Silver and LEO Alerts (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts notify the public of the most serious child-abduction cases.Silver Alerts notify the public when law enforcement agencies are searching for missing adults or citizens with cognitive impairments, including Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Alerts notify the public when law enforcement officers are searching for an offender(s) who has seriously injured or killed a law enforcement officer.)
· provides travel information, traffic camera views and free personalized services, including customized travel routes and email, text and phone call alerts.
·         Voice-activated and touch-tone navigation available when calling 511.
·         The 511 phone call and website are available in English and Spanish.

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