Thursday, May 22, 2014

City of Apalachicola seeks grant to preserve historic cemetery

County Commissioners have agreed to provide a letter of support for the City of Apalachicola as it seeks a Historic Preservation Grant to restore the historic Chestnut St. Cemetery.

The City is seeking an 11 thousand dollar grant to hire a historic conservation firm to create a restoration plan for the cemetery.

The plan would provide the city with a list of the most important items to address to repair and maintain the cemetery.

The Apalachicola Historical Society would provide a 5000 dollar match for the grant if it’s approved.

The grant projects will be ranked this summer, but the city won’t know if the grant is funded until after next year’s legislative session.

The oldest known grave in the cemetery was dug in 1831 – the most recent was in 2008.

You can get a tour of the historic cemetery next week.

The Historical society will hold its annual spring ghost walk at the cemetery on Saturday, May 31st at 7PM.

The cost of the tour is 5 dollars.

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