Monday, June 30, 2014

Franklin County Commission to meet Tuesday in Apalachicola

Franklin County Commissioners will have a busy day on Tuesday.
During their regular meeting which begins at 9, the commission will consider a referendum to increase the bed tax that funds the local Tourist Development Council.

The issue to double the local tourist development tax from 2 percent to 4 percent was raised last year but was tabled while the TDC worked on the ballot language.

On Tuesday county commissioners will consider whether to bring the tax increase proposal to the voters in November.

County commissioners will also open bids on Tuesday morning to construct a dock at the Abercrombie Boat ramp and they’ll meet with Betty Sasnett to discuss soccer fields at DW Wilson Park in Apalachicola.

The full agenda is posted at and at the Oyster Radio facebook page.

At 1:30 in the afternoon the county commission plans to hold a workshop with the Weems Hospital Board – that will be followed by an executive session with the county attorney at 2:30

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