Saturday, March 14, 2015

FWC Law Enforcement Weekly Report 03/06 - 03/12/2015

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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Division of Law Enforcement
 FWC logo and law enforcement badge
Weekly Report

March 6th, 2015 – March 12th, 2015

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;
however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve



Officers Wicker and Goodwin were on water patrol when they observed a local fishing guide pull into the St. Andrews State Park Boat Ramp and drop a female off saying, “I’ll be back to get you.”  Several minutes later, the guide returned in his truck to pick up the female. Officer Wicker had knowledge that this subject’s Florida driver license had been revoked permanently due to previous DUI convictions. The subject had reportedly been using a Georgia driver’s license.  The officers approached the truck asking the subject to see a park pass and a driver’s license.  The subject gave Officer Wicker a Georgia driver license and while doing so, Officer Goodwin detected the aroma of burnt cannabis.  When the subject was asked if there were any drugs in the truck, he said “There was some marijuana under the seat.” A glass pipe and a jar containing cannabis was located in the truck.  The subject was arrested and booked into the Bay County Jail for using a license from another state while under revocation, possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Officer Gore was working in the St. Andrews State Park when he stopped a vehicle that wasn’t displaying an entry pass.  While conducting the stop, he asked if there were any drugs in the vehicle.  The passenger handed Officer Gore some cannabis and a brass pipe.  When asked if that was all, the female driver said, “I have some weed and a pipe in my purse.” Officer T. Basford arrived to assist and citations were issued for the violations and the contraband was seized.

Officers Leonard and Walker were working at St. Andrews State Park after hours when they noticed a vehicle pull up to the entry gate. The vehicle sat at the gate for some time without entering the code. The officers approached the vehicle to see if assistance was needed. The operator exited the vehicle as the officers approached and immediately began yelling loudly about getting to her campsite.  The officers could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from the interior of the vehicle. There were three other individuals in the vehicle and one of them in the back seat appeared to be passed out or asleep. The other two appeared to be intoxicated as they were yelling things the officers could not understand. The subject in the back seat was unresponsive and one of the passengers asked the officers if they could call an ambulance for the subject in the back seat. While waiting for the ambulance, the operator kept yelling that she needed to use the bathroom even after being told several times that there was not a bathroom available nearby. The operator pulled down her pants and urinated in front of everyone at the front gate. By the time the ambulance arrived, the subject became responsive and continuously yelled obscenities and called the paramedics vulgar names. The paramedics departed the scene transporting the subject to the emergency room. As soon as the ambulance departed the scene, the operator was taken into custody for disorderly conduct. The subject refused to get into the officer’s patrol vehicle and resisted his efforts to place her there. She was finally placed in the patrol vehicle and transported to jail.  She was also charged with resisting an officer without violence. The subject’s daughter came to the scene and took custody of the vehicle.

Officers Hellett, Brady, and Goodwin were working a Spring Break night detail at the front gate of St. Andrews State Park. They observed a vehicle pull up to the gate and stop. They observed the operator of this vehicle give the gate code to the occupants of another vehicle. Both vehicles opened the gate and entered the park. The officers stopped the second vehicle because it did not have a camping sticker in the window. They observed open containers of alcohol in the vehicle and one of the subjects had an alcohol container in his possession. Another subject was found to be in possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis. Citations were issued for the violations.

Officer Goodwin was on foot patrol in the St. Andrews State Park campground and noticed a campsite with three male subjects who appeared to be under the legal drinking age with alcohol containers sitting on the picnic table. He observed all three subjects drinking from the containers. He made contact with the subjects and asked them to produce identification. All three subjects were under the legal drinking age. On the table beside the alcohol containers, he observed a glass smoking pipe with residue and a metal grinder. He could smell the odor of cannabis on the smoking pipe. Officer Goodwin asked the subjects if there was any cannabis at the campsite. Each subject produce a plastic bag of cannabis. Officers Letcher, Waring and N. Basford arrived at the scene to assist. All three subjects were charged with possession of cannabis less than 20 grams and possession of alcohol under the legal age of 21.

Officer Gore was conducting surveillance at a local public fishing area when he observed two subjects harvesting and eating oysters off bridge pilings in a closed area.  The subjects were found to possess a five gallon bucket of oysters and to be harvesting in a recreational capacity.  During the encounter, one subject was found in possession of two needles and a baggie of methamphetamine.  Written warnings for the oyster violations were issued and the subject with the narcotics was arrested and booked into the Bay County Jail.


Lieutenant Hahr was patrolling in the Perdido River WMA when he observed two young women consuming alcoholic beverages.  When he approached them, he discovered that the older male subject was also in possession of a small amount of cannabis.  One of the women was also in possession of a small amount of cannabis.  The two women were charged with possession of alcoholic beverages. The man and one woman were also charged with possession of not more than 20 grams of cannabis.



Officer Baber represented the FWC at Grand Ridge Elementary School this week during their Agriculture Education Day.  Officer Baber displayed an alligator and presented information about boating safety and hunting safety to approximately 300 students throughout the day.



Officers J. Rockwell and Maltais taught the laws portion of a Hunter Safety class and answered questions about the new deer management units and the daily bag limit of turkeys. There were 28 students in attendance.

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