Sunday, September 20, 2015

Exploring Nature: Enjoying the Miracle of Bird Watching

The Florida State University Coastal & Marine Lab Workshops
Exploring Nature: Enjoying the
Miracle of Bird Watching
Workshop Description:
Each year, millions of migratory songbirds fly hundreds of miles as they move between breedinggrounds in North America and wintering sites in Central and South America. The northwest Florida coast is a great place to watch this miracle of color and diversity unfold, and this workshop will help you learn how to identify the migratory birds now moving through the area and also explore some of the intriguing biology that underpins these biannual movements. The workshop begins with a presentation on migration and how to identify birds and then moves into the field to see what  colorful migrants can be found at local parks.
Participants must provide their own binoculars.  It will also be helpful to bring along a bird field guide if you have one. Be sure to bring water in a refillable container, any snacks you might need, comfortable shoes for moderate walking, sunscreen, and insect repellant. 
September 26, 2015

Location: FSUCML

Registration & Pre-Payment  Required
Adults $30
Students $20  
Register Here
Interested in other workshops?
Click here
Jim Cox heads up the Stoddard Bird Lab at Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy near Tallahassee.  The Stoddard Lab studies relationships between the use of prescribed fire and the habitat needs of the many declining species of birds associated with southern pine forests. Cox received his M.Sc. from Florida State University and worked as a biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for many years before moving to Tall Timbers. He also taught a popular bird-watching class at Florida State University for several years and continues to try to lure new bodies into the birding community.  You can learn more by visiting the Tall Timbers Stoddard-Bird Lab's web page.

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