Thursday, September 17, 2015

Franklin County commissioners considering change to P and Z membership

Franklin county Commissioners are taking a look at the makeup of the County Planning and Zoning Board to see if they can make any changes that would make it easier for the board to have a quorum every month.

The planning and zoning board was unable to get enough members to this month’s meeting for a quorum which leaves a number of local projects waiting another month until the P and Z can consider them and make a recommendation to the county commission.

The Planning and zoning board has 9 members; there are currently only 6 seats filled.

A number of those seats require people with a particular skill set.

At least one member has to be from the construction industry; there are also seats for seafood workers, seafood dealers, and even foresters.

County commissioners said the first step they will take is to try to fill any vacant seats on the board.

County staff is currently seeing which seats need to be filled.

Over the long term, the commission may look at changing the make-up of the board to make it easier to find applicants – that could include doing away with some of the required positions like forestry.

County planner Alan Pierce said the county could also consider removing the requirement for P and Z approval for smaller projects like docks and allowing county staff to recommend approval for those.  

The county has also asked that the Planning and zoning board schedule a special meeting before the next County commission meeting to deal with any pending projects.

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