Thursday, January 28, 2016

Friday is the last day to comment on the Master Water Control Manual

            The comment period for the Master Water Control Manual for the Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River System ends tomorrow.

The manual is the guide used by Corps of Engineers to operate the five reservoirs on the Chattahoochee River and it directly impacts how much fresh water flows through the river system into the Apalachicola Bay.
The Corps has been taking public comment on the manual since last November, and have extended the comment period twice to give people enough time to read the lengthy document.
The plan has been widely opposed by groups along the Apalachicola for not requiring the minimum water flows needed to protect the health of the bay and its oyster industry.
If you would like to see the proposed master water control manual for yourself, just follow the link we’ve posted on this story at and on the Oyster radio facebook page.
And remember, if you want to comment on the plan, comments have to be received by this Friday.


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