Tuesday, February 2, 2016

DAWGS in Prison graduation this Wednesday

The DAWGS in Prison program at the Gulf Forestry Camp will hold its graduation ceremony on Wednesday, February the 6th and the newly trained dogs will then be ready for adoption

The DAWGS in prison program is a cooperative effort between the St. Joseph Bay Humane Society and the Gulf Correctional Institution which provides training and education for both inmates and dog.

The program seeks to provide permanent homes for the dogs, as well as viable job skills for the inmate, and productive jobs and a law-abiding life upon release.

All of the dogs selected for the program go through an intense 8-week training session and live with their trainers, handlers and caretakers in a dormitory style work camp. 
The dogs are all crate trained, house trained, and basic obedience trained. 
They can be expected to sit, stay, recall, down, heel, and respond to no and leave it.
The dogs are also up to date on all vaccines as well as spayed/neutered and heartworm negative.

The dogs are available for adoption immediately and will able to go to their forever homes after graduation. 

You can find out more about adopting one of the dogs by going on-line to weww.dawgsinprison.com.


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