Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wakulla- Franklin Fishermen Petition FWC to Suspend Harmful Commercial Fishing Rule

Wakulla Commercial Fishermen Association members, county commissioners and Franklin County fishermen, will appear before the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on Thursday to ask FWC commissioners to suspend a rule that limits the mesh-size of commercial fishing nets to two inches while conducting a study on the North Florida fish populations (2-inch mesh nets are used primarily for catching mullet along North Florida’s Gulf coast).

The study would be conducted between the Aucilla and the Apalachicola rivers and would limit the use of nets larger than two inches to no more than 25 permits for commercial fishermen.

“No one can deny the 2-inch mesh is killing millions of pounds of small fish that have to be thrown back into the water,” said John Taylor, WCFA president. “What’s more, the 2-inch mesh is killing our ability to make a living, and limits the food supply of mullet, which is healthy, economical food for all people.”

“Let us feed the people and earn a living,” Taylor said.

While the effect of the suspension of the 2-inch mesh is being studied, the WCFA is asking FWC to allow “seasonal” nets, which have larger mesh and are used by commercial fishermen in neighboring Gulf states of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

“In Florida, commercial fishermen are forced to use the 2-inch mesh,” Taylor said, “while, in Alabama, 2-inch mesh nets are not allowed during specific seasons for commercial use because they kill too many fish. We need to study that.”

An estimated 98 percent of the fish caught in the 2-inch mesh are too small for market, and are killed before they can mature and breed more fish.  Many refer to the destuctive killing as “wanton waste.”

Franklin County Commission Chairman William Massey will be attending the FWC meeting along with Wakulla County commissioners in support of the 2-inch suspension request. Franklin County commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution on June 7, mirroring the resolution passed unanimously by Wakulla County commissioners onApril 4, calling for the suspension and a study.

Rule 68B 4.0081 (d) (the 2-inch mesh rule) will be addressed during the Public Comment portion of the FWC Commission meeting (Agenda Item No. 18), which is scheduled for June 23, in the Franklin County High School Gymnasium at 1250 U. S. Highway 98 in Eastpoint.                                                       

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