Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Assistance available to Florida businesses damaged by Hermine

                If you own a business that was damaged during Hurricane Hermine, there may be money available to help you in the short term.

Governor Rick Scott has activated Florida’s Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program to help local small businesses impacted by the storm.

Owners of small businesses with two to 100 employees located in 51 counties affected by Hurricane Hermine can apply for short-term loans for up to $25,000.

The bridge loan program can provide short-term, interest-free loans to small businesses that experienced physical or economic damage during the storm and recovery efforts.

Loans are granted in terms of 90 or 180 days and are interest-free for that time period.

The short-term, interest-free loans help bridge the gap between the time damage is incurred and when a business secures other financial resources, including payment of insurance claims or longer-term loans.

To be eligible, a business must have been established prior to August 31, 2016, and demonstrate economic or physical damage as a result of Hurricane Hermine.

The application period runs through October 31, 2016.

To get an application or for more information on the program, visit

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