Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hermine leaves Alligator Point with major damage

Alligator Point suffered some pretty heavy damage from Hurricane Hermine, and residents there could be living with the damage for months.
About 1000 feet of Alligator Point Road was damaged; that’s the main road going into the Point.
The county was able to open up 1 land of the road, but said it could be weeks or months before the road is repaired.
Alan Pierce told county commissioners this week that road is not going to be fixed until the area is declared a disaster and the county gets FEMA money to repair it.
FEMA Damage assessment crews are expected in the area this week.
The damage will continue to be a problem not just for Alligator Point residents, but also for the sheriff’s department which has deputies stationed at the entrance to the road.
This is not a new problem.
Alligator Point Road has been damaged during many strong storms, and the county is always trying to find ways to fix it and make it more storm resistant.
But the county just does not have the money to maintain the road.
Alligator Point Road once belonged to the state, and commissioners would like for the state to take it over again – but the state doesn’t really want the expense either.
The County commission did agree to write a letter to the Department of Transportation this week asking that they reconsider that decision.
And the road isn’t the only damage the Point suffered.

Alan Pierce said there is probably 25 thousand dollars in damage to the Ochlocknee Bay boat ramp, and most of the dune walkovers were damaged or destroyed.

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