Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Alligator hunting licenses go on sale this month

If you have ever thought about hunting alligators, this is the month to apply for the permit.
Applications for the highly coveted alligator hunting permits will begin to be accepted on Mya the 18th.
The state will issue more than 6000 alligator hunting permits this year; phase one of the application process runs from May 18th through the 28th.
The application process is done in phases; during phase one you can apply at any tax collector’s office, license agent or through the Internet at – you can specify up to 20 hunting areas and hunting periods on the application.
There will then be a random drawing of all the applicants.
The permits that are unsold after that will be placed back into the system to be sold in Phase 2 which is another random drawing.
If there are any permits left after phase 2, they can be purchased by anyone, even people who have already received a permit.
The licenses cost 272 dollars for residents and 1022 dollars if you are from out of state
Each permit allows you to take two alligators from whichever county or body of water you were awarded during a specific harvest period. 

You must be at least 18 years old by opening day, August 15th, to purchase one.
The 11-week alligator season runs August 15th through November 1st.

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