Sunday, December 9, 2018

NOAA Fisheries FishNews – December 6, 2018

Global Fisheries Challenges, Stories of Restoration, Steelhead resurging in Central Washington, and More
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NOAA Fish News
December 6, 2018


International Fisheries
United States Tackles Global Fisheries ChallengesAs a global leader, the United States has both the opportunity and responsibility to advance sustainable conservation and management practices in our domestic fisheries and around the globe. Read the latest leadership message from John Henderschedt, Director of the Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection for NOAA Fisheries.

MMPA Authorizations
Authorizations for Marine Mammal Impacts from Atlantic Geophysical SurveysUnder the Marine Mammal Protection Act, NOAA Fisheries issued final incidental take authorizations to companies proposing to conduct geophysical surveys in support of hydrocarbon exploration in the Atlantic Ocean. The authorizations require monitoring, reporting, and mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of survey activities on marine mammals.

Large Whale Entanglements Report
Large Whale Entanglements National ReportNOAA Fisheries released a National Report on Large Whale Entanglements Confirmed in the United States in 2017. The number of confirmed cases nationally, 76, was slightly above the 10-year average. NOAA Fisheries maintains regional entanglement reporting hotlines that quickly relay reports of entangled whales to trained responders.

GulfCorps stories
GulfCorps: Stories of RestorationThe Nature Conservancy, NOAA's partner in the GulfCorps conservation corps program, just released an inspiring set of stories and videos on the young people involved. GulfCorps provides short-term employment for local young adults in Gulf of Mexico communities, including veterans and those from underserved communities. Corps members also get skills training and experience in jobs supporting local workforce development in the habitat restoration field.

Great Lakes Restoration
2019 Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Grants – Call for ApplicationsNOAA announces the availability of up to $5 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding through new regional habitat restoration partnerships in 2019. Funded projects will continue our work to restore habitat in the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater system on Earth. Proposals are due February 4.

West Coast

Manastash Creek
Central Washington Fosters Steelhead ResurgenceAfter the removal of a diversion dam on Central Washington’s Manastash Creek, threatened Mid-Columbia steelhead are re-establishing themselves in more than 20 newly accessible miles of healthy creek habitat. The removal of the dam and restoration of the creek were made possible through the focused collaboration of federal agencies and local partners.

Bottom Trawl Gear Diagram
Final Rule for Groundfish Gear RestrictionsNOAA Fisheries announced a final rule revising the restrictions on groundfish bottom and midwater trawl gear for vessels fishing in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery’s Trawl Rationalization Program. These regulatory revisions are possible because the program, first implemented in 2011, has achieved a substantial reduction in discards and allowed the rebuilding of five of the seven previously overfished species.


Red Snapper illustration
Proposed Rule for Gulf Red Snapper, Florida Hogfish – Open for Public CommentBy January 3, please submit your comments on a proposed rule to increase the commercial and recreational annual catch limits and recreational annual catch targets for Gulf of Mexico red snapper, as well as set the whole stock catch limit for West Florida hogfish, based on recent stock assessments.

Golden Tilefish illustration v3
Final Rule for South Atlantic Golden TilefishNOAA Fisheries published a final rule revising the catch limits for golden tilefish in the South Atlantic. Informed by the most recent population assessment, the final rule reduces golden tilefish catch limits to end overfishing.

Florida draft restoration plan
Florida Restoration Plan Webinar RescheduledThe public webinar for the Deepwater Horizon Florida Trustee Implementation Group’s Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment has been rescheduled for December 13. Originally planned for October, the webinar was postponed due to Hurricane Michael. Comments on the draft will be accepted through December 28.

Texas Trustees Annual Meeting
Texas Trustees Annual Meeting Materials OnlineThe Deepwater Horizon Texas Trustee Implementation Group held their annual public meeting in October to provide information on the planning process and updates on work in the Texas Restoration Area. The presentation and other meeting materials are now available online.

Greater Atlantic

Atlantic herring illustration
Proposed Adjustment to 2019 Herring Specifications – Open for Public CommentBy December 31, please submit your comment on a proposed in-season adjustment to the 2019 Atlantic herring specifications that will reduce Atlantic herring landings. The 2018 Atlantic herring stock assessment concluded that the Atlantic herring catch would need to be reduced to minimize the risk of overfishing and prevent the stock from becoming overfished.

NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow
Fall Bottom Trawl Survey CompletedLast month, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center completed their 2018 Fall Bottom Trawl survey aboard NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow. The Center's twice-yearly bottom trawl survey of fish and invertebrates is the longest running survey of its kind in the world, and it collects data used to understand changes in marine life and their habitats over time.

Salmon Satellite Tag
Satellite Tagging Atlantic Salmon in GreenlandNOAA Fisheries biologist Tim Sheehan spent 10 days in southwest Greenland trolling for pre-adult Atlantic salmon to capture and release with pop-up satellite tags that record environmental conditions and fish behavior. The data collected through this international partnership will help scientists better understand the behavior of Atlantic salmon that spawn in Maine and migrate to Greenland.


December 7
Last day of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council meeting in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
December 7–11
North Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting in Anchorage.
December 10–13
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council meeting in Annapolis, Maryland.
December 10–January 17
Ten public hearings and one webinar on Draft Amendment 50: State Management of Recreational Red Snapper, hosted by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.
December 12
Free Atlantic Shark Identification workshop in Largo, Florida.
December 13
ree Protected Species Safe Handling, Identification, and Release workshop in Ronkonkoma, New York.
December 13
Information sessions on the South Atlantic for-hire electronic reporting programin Manteo, North Carolina, and via webinar.
December 13
(Rescheduled) Public webinar on Florida’s Draft Restoration Plan I for the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment.
December 17
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council interim meeting conducted by teleconference, 12–2 pm HST.
December 17–January 14Three public hearings on a proposed chub mackerel amendment, hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
December 18 - January 17
Three informational webinars on federal for-hire electronic reporting in the South Atlantic, hosted by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.


December 14
Nominations due for the 30thAnnual National Wetlands Awards.
January 14
Pre-proposals due for 2019 Community-Based Restoration Program funding.
February 4
Proposals due for 2019 Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Regional Partnership Grants.

Federal Register Actions

Visit for a list of only those actions open for public comment. Scroll search for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
For a list of all daily actions, check the Federal Register online.

Corrections or technical questions should be sent to the FishNews Editor at

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