Thursday, March 14, 2019

FWC Law Enforcement Weekly Report February 15, 2019 through February 21, 2019

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report
FWC logo and law enforcement badge
Patrol, Protect, Preserve

February 15, 2019 through February 21, 2019

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;
however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.




Officers Forehand and Little were working night hunting when they saw a truck pulled off the side of the road. The officers stopped to make sure the driver didn’t need assistance. The driver was standing at the rear of the vehicle with the camper shell open. When he saw the officers, he quickly closed the camper and moved toward the front of the truck. Officer Little noticed fresh blood on the person’s hands. In the back of the truck, the officers found a fresh doe deer carcass. The suspect admitted to killing the deer that evening and he had stopped to dump the carcass. He was cited for possession of doe deer during the closed season.

Officers Forehand and Little saw a car swerving in and out of its lane. The officers conducted a traffic stop. As they spoke to the driver, they saw indicators the driver had been consuming alcohol. Field sobriety tasks were administered and based on those tasks the driver was placed under arrest for DUI and transported to jail. The driver submitted to a breath test and the results were .133 blood alcohol content and .132 blood alcohol content.


Officer Korade was given information regarding an individual killing an antlerless deer during closed season. He and Officer Hughes started an investigation into the possible violation. They found the potential subject at work and after questioning, he was cited for taking antlerless deer out of season. The officers took possession of the deer meat which was in a cooler at the job site. The officers then followed the subject to his residence and retrieved the weapon used to take the antlerless deer.

Officer Raker was patrolling the Dickerson Bay area when he saw an individual that appeared to be harvesting oysters. He was assisted with his investigation by Officers Hughes and Korade. After some surveillance and questioning of the subject, the investigation led to Officer Raker citing the subject for taking or harvesting oysters in a non-approved area, interference with an FWC officer and giving false information to law enforcement.

Officers Schulz, Hofheinz and Hughes were patrolling the Apalachicola Wildlife Management Area on Forest Road 369 when they saw a vehicle with subjects standing on a dog box and could hear dogs getting closer to their location. One of the subjects jumped off the dog box, ran down the road and shot several times. Several vehicles came to the location of the shots and the officers announced their presence. After conducting the investigation, Officer Schulz cited a subject for taking antlerless deer during closed season and driving on public roads without a tag. Two other subjects were cited by Officer Hughes for taking antlerless deer during closed season.

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