Wednesday, July 22, 2020

7.22.20 Gulf County COVID-19 Update

Good Afternoon Gulf County!

Attached you will find our COVID-19 update that has been shared on the Gulf County Florida Emergency Management Facebook page. This top pinned post will be updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In addition, it will be emailed to our community distribution list to ensure we are reaching as many community members as possible.  For updates sent directly to your phone text GULFCOVID to 888777.

A Message From Your County Health Department:

  1. Please do not go to work if you are sick. Please do not be around others when you are not feeling well. Stay home. If you think you’ve been exposed to the virus and have symptoms, call your health care provider or health department to get tested.

  1. If you test positive for COVID19, please be honest about the people you’ve been in close contact with.

Why is this so important? We are trying to interrupt disease spread. Close contacts need to be able to quarantine so that the spread of the virus stops.

Your personal information is kept completely confidential. The health department will work closely with you and help reach out to anyone you were in close contact with during your infection period. When someone finds out they need to quarantine, all they hear is “you’ve been identified as a close contact to a positive case.” From there, we provide quarantine guidance to follow and help answer questions about the virus.

  1. A great resource to answer many frequently asked questions can be found on the CDC website:

  1. The quarantine period is important. We need close contacts to a positive case to quarantine for 14 days from the date of their exposure to the positive individual. Getting a test that is negative during the quarantine period does not stop the clock. We have seen many individuals develop infection on the second week of quarantine, so it is really important to stay quarantined for the full 14-day period. Household quarantine can be a little more stretched since it can be very difficult for a positive individual to properly isolate from everyone else. If you live in the same household as a positive case, you need to quarantine while the person is sick and once this individual is no longer infectious, that’s when your quarantine 14 period will start. We explain all of this to every close contact identified and can provide quarantine orders to each individual.

  1. I tested positive for COVID19. When can I be around others (no longer infectious)? If you tested positive for COVID19, you need to stay at home and isolate per the guidance provided by public health officials. If you think or know you had COVID-19, and had symptoms, you can be with others after at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and at least 24 hours has passed with no fever without fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved. If you tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms, you can be with others after 10 days have passed since your test. If you develop symptoms after testing positive, follow the guidance above that includes fever and symptoms improving. Follow this link to stay tuned on updates: Depending on your healthcare provider’s advice and availability of testing, you might get tested to see if you still have COVID-19. (Ex. residents of a nursing home.) If you are tested, you can be around others when you have no fever, respiratory symptoms have improved, and you receive two negative test results in a row, at least 24 hours apart.   

What you’ll find in today’s update:
  • Attached: On July 21, 2020, the City of Port St. Joe adopted an Emergency Declaration requiring the use of facial coverings or masks in public settings within the city limits where CDC social distancing guidelines cannot be followed.
    • Reminder: Call the Health Department at 850-227-1276 if you are in need of cloth face coverings.
  • Gulf County COVID-19 Profile Report 07/22/2020.
  • Upcoming Testing Location: Monday, July 27, 2020 at Honeyville Community Center from 9a-3p CST.

Here are the Florida Department of Health testing numbers as of 2:00pm today:
                                 LOCAL STATUS             
How many unduplicated COVID-19 tests so far for this event
How many negative tests we have
How many positive tests we have

How many unduplicated COVID-19 tests so far for this event
How many negative tests we have
How many positive tests we have
Please note: The demand for the testing and designated laboratory, may cause a slight delay inID-19 Dashboard.

As always, please share this tool and the attachments with your coworkers, partners, friends and relatives as we need to all be educated on the facts. We know that informed people make better decisions, so please help us to eliminate miscommunication and rumors by informing our community. We will keep each and every one of you updated as new information becomes available.
Jessie Wagner Pippin
Public Information Officer
Florida Department of Health in Gulf County
2475 Garrison Ave.
Port Saint Joe, FL 32456
Office Phone: (850) 705-6103
Cell Phone: (850)227-4193
Fax: 850-227-7587

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