Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Gulf County has over 800 confirmed cases of COVID-19

 Gulf County has over 800 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

As of Wednesday there have been 801 positive COVID-19 cases in Gulf County, up from 787 cases on Sunday.

That includes 255 cases among prisoners at the state prison in Gulf County and 36 cases among prison staff.

9 people in Gulf County have died because of the coronavirus.

Franklin County reported its 522nd COVID case on Wednesday.

315 are positive cases among prisoners at the state prison in Carrabelle and there are 26 positive cases among prison staff.

There have been three COVID related deaths in Franklin County.

Wakulla County reported 869 cases on Wednesday and Liberty County reported 427.

People can keep up with local COVID information by reading the Covid updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you don't get the updates you can have them sent to your phone by texting FRANKLINCV19 to 888777.

You can also go the the Florida Department of health COVID dashboard on-line for daily updates.

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