Saturday, October 24, 2020

Current Projects at Leon Sinks Geological Area, Apalachicola National Forest

Crawfordville, FL, October 23, 2020--For Immediate Release. The Apalachicola National Forest (ANF) has several projects currently happening to repair the Leon Sinks Geological Area. The Leon Sinks Geological Area is currently closed to public access due to the failing conditions of the boardwalk and overlook trail features. They are completely unsafe for public access.

The structural failure of these features is related to failure and aging of the treated lumber that was used in the past. This level of heavy maintenance is not part of the budget allocated for the ANFs annual operating funds. The forest is reliant on funding opportunities outside of the normal Forest Service allocations; and this last year the ANF was the recipient of grant monies that will be used to begin repairs on Leon Sinks.
Currently our partner, Franklin's Promise Coalition. is working under this grant to repair the Big Dismal Overlook and will be reviewing general trail conditions. The next phase will be addressing the repairs needed at the Hammock Sink Overlook, followed by the Crossover Trail boardwalk.

District Ranger Birk Roseman says: "We understand not having the option to visit Leon Sinks has been hard on our residents and visitors. We plan to reopen the site when repairs are sufficient to allow visitors to enjoy the area; and still remain safe during repair operations."

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