Wednesday, August 4, 2021

If you would like the training you need to help in the community after a disaster, the Franklin County CERT team is looking for you

 If you would like the training you need to help in the community after a disaster, the Franklin County CERT team is looking for you.

C. E. R. T. stands for Community Emergency Response Team.

It is a training program that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in event of disasters like hurricanes or Tornadoes or even if you are the first person at the scene of an accident.

CERT training also includes basic search and rescue and basic triage to help emergency responders.

If you are interested in taking part, basic training classes begin on August the 14th.

They will continue on August 15th, August 21st and August 22nd.

You can find our more details and get signed up by contacting  Pamela at 850-653-8977 or look for the Franklin County CERT facebook page.

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