Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Local students are heading back to school today so please drive safely, especially around school buses

Local students are heading back to school today so please drive safely, especially around school buses.

Under Florida law a driver faces a minimum $200 fine for failing to stop for school buses, and for a second or subsequent offense within a period of 5 years, the state can suspend the driver license of the person for up to a year.

The minimum penalty is $400 for motorists who pass stopped school buses on the side where children enter and exit.

For a second or subsequent offense, the state can suspend the driver license of the person for up to 2 years.

You can also be fined for using your cellular phone while driving in a designated school crossing or school zone.

You can’t have the phone in your hand at all in those areas, the only thing you can do is talk on a hands-free device.

If you are holding a phone or any kind of device, you will be stopped and could be charged with a moving violation, which includes a base $60 fine and three points on your driver's license.


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