Thursday, August 12, 2021

NOAA Fisheries FishNews – August 12, 2021

Aquaculture Task Force, Sustainable Shark Management, and More

Fish News - NOAA Fisheries

AUGUST 12, 2021

eat seafood

Eat Seafood, America and Reel in the Benefits!

Most people know that seafood is a nutritious source of lean protein, but did you also know it provides a whole host of health benefits? Learn how adding more seafood to your diet can help lower stress, improve sleep, and reduce risk of heart disease from our friends at Seafood Nutrition Partnership, then visit FishWatch to find the nutritional facts on your favorite U.S. seafood.


NOAA Names Andy Strelcheck to Lead Fisheries’ Southeast Region


NOAA Fisheries announced Mr. Andy Strelcheck as the new Regional Administrator for the Southeast Regional Office in St. Petersburg. Mr. Strelcheck began his career with NOAA in 2004, serving in a series of positions, including Southeast Deputy Regional Administrator since 2015. He has extensive experience in marine fisheries research and management, and management experience in protected resources and habitat conservation.

Six Steps to Sustainable Sharks


NOAA Fisheries ensures that U.S. fisheries are some of the most sustainable in the world, including sharks. Of the 479 fish stocks or stock complexes we manage, 43 are shark species in the Atlantic Ocean. Learn about our management approach in six steps.

Aquaculture Task Force Draft Plans Open for Comment


The Subcommittee on Aquaculture has published two draft strategic plans for public comment: the Strategic Plan to Enhance Regulatory Efficiency and the Strategic Plan for Federal Aquaculture Research. These two plans establish a road map for federal agencies to increase the overall effectiveness and productivity of federal aquaculture regulation, research, and technology transfer. The 45-day comment period for both plans is open through September 18, 2021.


Multi-Year Effort to Observe Seafloor Habitats and Learn More about Deep-sea Corals and Sponges in Alaska

deep sea corals

To learn more about deep-sea communities in the sub-Arctic waters of Alaska, NOAA Fisheries is implementing a 4-year science initiative. Research teams will collect new information that will contribute to the management and protection of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems throughout Alaska. It is part of an effort to improve our understanding of deep-sea coral communities and help resource managers develop and evaluate management options for these valuable habitats.


Florida Fishermen Collect Data to Help Red Tide Response

red tide

Florida’s Gulf Coast is experiencing a worse-than-normal red tide event again this year. NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center is collecting oceanographic data from commercial fishermen offshore of Tampa Bay to help plan research activities and mitigate the impact of these events..

Greater Atlantic

From Problem to Plan: Restoring Migratory Fish in the Merrimack

merrimack river

NOAA Fisheries has developed a comprehensive management plan for the Merrimack River watershed aimed at restoring migratory fish and the habitats on which they rely.

Upcoming Deadlines

August 26, September 13 NOAA is hosting listening sessions for the public to learn about and provide input on "Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful.”

View more news and announcements.

Upcoming Events

August 9-12: MAFMC Webinar
September 13-17: SAFMC Meeting
September 28-30: NEFMC Meeting

View more events.

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region. 

Send corrections or technical questions to the FishNews Editor at

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