Thursday, August 5, 2021

NOAA Fisheries FishNews – August 5, 2021

Oyster Shucker Podcast, Shark Reproduction, and More
Fish News - NOAA Fisheries

AUGUST 5, 2021

eat seafood

The Surprising Story of Swordfish

You probably know how delicious North Atlantic swordfish is, but did you know it's a rebuilding success story? If you're inspired to add some U.S.-caught swordfish to your menu, here are a few recipes to get you started.


Oyster Ninja Introduces New Audiences to Shellfish


Nationally ranked oyster shucker Gardner Douglas is known within the shellfish community as the Oyster Ninja for his skills with the shucking knife. As he became more involved in the industry, Douglas looked for ways to give back and share his love for seafood with others. Under the name Oyster Ninja, he hosts a popular podcast.

Five Wild Facts About Shark Reproduction

shark reproduction

In our ongoing effort to help you #KnowSharksBetter, we wanted to share some lesser-known facts about how sharks make more sharks.


Predicting Future Fish Productivity by Better Understanding the Role of Habitat


In countries like the United States, scientists and resource managers have been successfully ensuring the sustainability of commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries primarily by managing catch levels. An innovative modeling approach considers links between environmental variables and local habitat impacts on overall fish productivity.

West Coast

Higher Vessel Speeds Offset Salmon Abundance for Endangered Orcas


Increased abundance of salmon in the inland waters of the Salish Sea increased the odds of endangered Southern Resident killer whales capturing salmon as prey, but increased speeds of nearby boats did just the opposite, according to new research findings.

Expanded Critical Habitat Signals Much of West Coast Contributes to Recovery of Endangered Killer Whales

killer whales

NOAA Fisheries announced that we are expanding designated critical habitat for endangered Southern Resident killer whales to include most coastal waters from Washington to Monterey Bay in California. This designation encompasses waters where the Southern Residents hunt for salmon from West Coast rivers and other marine species.

Greater Atlantic

Right Whale Use of Southern New England Wind Energy Areas Increasing

right whale

Southern New England habitat is important to the North Atlantic right whale. With offshore wind energy development planned in the region, working with stakeholders to minimize potential impacts on right whales and other protected species is crucial.

$900,000 in Funding Recommended for Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration


NOAA Fisheries is recommending nearly $900,000 in funding for four partners to implement projects that restore habitat for Atlantic salmon in the Gulf of Maine watershed. The Gulf of Maine distinct population segment of Atlantic salmon is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. It’s also one of nine NOAA Species in the Spotlight.

Upcoming Deadlines

August 26, September 13 NOAA is hosting listening sessions for the public to learn about and provide input on "Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful”.

View more news and announcements.

Upcoming Events

August 9-12: MAFMC Webinar

September 13-17: SAFMC Meeting

September 28-30: NEFMC Meeting

View more events.

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region. 

Send corrections or technical questions to the FishNews Editor at

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