Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Florida Seafood Festival is beginning its search for this year’s queen

 The Florida Seafood Festival is beginning its search for this year’s queen.

The seafood festival chooses its queen either through a pageant or through another selection process depending on how many people want to participate.

Girls who would like to be considered have to be between 16 and 19 years old and be either a junior or senior in High School.

This year due to COVID -19 the board has allowed graduates of the class of 2021 to also participate.

The girls must live in Franklin County and must not be a felon.

The festival also requires that contestants have never been married, have not had a child, and are not pregnant. 

A meeting will be held on August 13, 2021, at 5:30 pm at Battery Park pavilion to provide more information.

Miss Florida Seafood wins a 1000 dollar scholarship from the seafood festival committee and attends several parades in surrounding counties to help promote Franklin County seafood and the Florida Seafood Festival.

The Queen also makes several personal appearances on TV and radio to promote the Florida Seafood Festival and Franklin County seafood.

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