Monday, August 9, 2021

The Lanark Village/St James Fire Department has a very uncertain future

The Lanark Village/St James Fire Department has a very uncertain future.

Franklin County Commissioners are considering ending the district and dividing the fire district between Carrabelle and Alligator Point.

There are long-running problems within the Lanark Village Fire Department that range from shoddy operations to the illegal use of funds.

The county commission recently audited the department's books and found problems which have been turned over to the sheriff's office for further investigation and possible criminal prosecution.

The county had to evict the fire chief from living in the fire house – and when he refused to leave they had to have the water cut off.

There have also been reports of the fire department being called and not responding, including a situation in which a citizen was trapped in a damaged vehicle.

Commissioner Bert Boldt, whose district includes Lanark Village, said the fire department has chronic dysfunctional problems in which the fire chief doesn't even have a drivers license.

County attorney Michael Shuler says he feels the county's only option is to do away with the district altogether and have the Alligator Point and Carrabelle fire departments take over.

Before that, however, he feels county staff should meet with the departments to see whether his proposal is feasible and what it will take to make it happen.

Commissioner Smokey Parrish said he feels the residents of Lanark Village should come together and get the department on the right footing again.

The fire department is fully volunteer and he said there is no way the county can make people volunteer – that has to come from withing the community.

Commissioner Bert Boldt said he would oppose ending the district but he feels the county has to show some leadership on this issue and should declare an emergency safety issue and have the state fire Marshall come in.

The board said the first step will be to reach out to the neighboring fire departments to see what they can do in the short term.

The commission also agreed to contact the fire Marshall's office to see what assistance they can provide, though commissioners felt there wouldn't be much.

Smokey Parrish said the fire department starts and ends within the community and feels commissioner Boldt should hold a workshop in Lanark Village to express his frustrations to the citizens.

He said if they don't care enough about the fire department then he doubts there is much the county or the fire Marshall can do.

There will be a meeting Thursday evening at 7 at the Fire House in Lanark Village to get public input on the issue.

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