Monday, August 2, 2021

There is an move in the City of Apalachicola to protect its Historic Squares, and pubic support is being sought for recovery efforts

There is an move in the City of Apalachicola to protect its Historic Squares, and pubic support is being sought for recovery efforts.

Apalachicola has 6 squares, Washington, Gorrie, Chapman, Franklin, Madison and City Square.

The 6 squares have been on its original map since Apalachicola was founded in the 1830s, and were intended to be open spaces for public gatherings and community events.

In recent years many of the squares have lost their identity with roads cut through them and in some cases buildings constructed on them.

Recovery efforts began in 1975 when Apalachicola native and architect, Willoughby Marshall,  authored an award-winning study which resulted in the creation of Apalachicola’s historic district. 

Recovery efforts are continuing now and public support is always appreciated.

If you would like to fin out more, you can follow the squares on facebook under “Apalachicola’s Historic Squares” or contact for more information and a brochure.

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