Tuesday, November 30, 2021

FWC's Fishing in the Know - December 2021

cover marine fisheries

December 2021

In This Issue

Commission meeting – December

Spot/Atlantic croaker



Right whales

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Conservation Tip of the Month

If a fish needs to be handled, wet your hands. This reduces the amount of fish slime removed from the fish. Fish slime protects the fish from infection and aids in swimming and reproduction.

fish rules logo

Fish Rules App

Keep up-to-date with the latest Florida fishing regulations by downloading the Fish Rules app on your smart device. 

Learn more at http://www.fishrulesapp.com

Ethical Angler of the Month

red drum

James Baker added this redfish to his Catch a Florida Memory Life List while fishing in a flats boat in the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge mangroves in Lee County using a live green back bait. 

Submit your photos by emailing them to Saltwater@MyFWC.com. Learn more about our photo guidelines.

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Commission meeting – December

Marine fisheries items

The FWC Commission will listen to public testimony on and discuss several marine fisheries management items at the Dec. 15 and 16 meeting in Destin.

Decision making (regulation changes are anticipated to be made on these topics):

  • Diamondback terrapin and blue crab traps: The Commission will consider approving several diamondback terrapin conservation measures, including requiring all recreational blue crab traps to have rigid entrances no larger than 2 x 6 inches at the narrowest point or a 2 x 6-inch bycatch reduction device (BRD) by March 1, 2023. Other changes being considered include prohibiting the collection of diamondback terrapins from the wild and requiring a permit for possession of diamondback terrapins (these two changes, if approved at the December meeting, will go into effect March 1, 2022). 

Draft proposal (these items will be brought back to a future meeting for final decision):

  • Dolphinfish: Recreational anglers have expressed concerns about declines in size and abundance in this fishery. The Commission will consider a proposal that, if approved at a future meeting, could reduce the recreational bag limit from 10 to five fish and the private recreational vessel limit from 60 to 30 fish for dolphinfish in Atlantic state waters, and clarify that captain and crew are prohibited from retaining a daily bag and possession limit. 
  • Shrimp: As the third and final phase of a long-term project to update shrimp regulations, the Commission will consider proposed changes to how shrimp are managed in Florida, including increasing recreational access in the Big Bend, allowing commercial food shrimpers to produce the highest quality frozen shrimp, and clarifying and updating regulations.

Discussions (no decisions are anticipated on these items):

  • Federal fishery management updates: The Commission will discuss outcomes of recent meetings of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.

Links for more information:

Agenda [MyFWC.com]

spot croaker collage

Spot/Atlantic croaker

New Atlantic regulations effective Dec. 1

Starting Dec. 1, the following new regulations will take effect for spot and Atlantic croaker in Atlantic state waters from the Florida-Georgia border through Miami-Dade County: a daily recreational bag limit of 50 fish per person for each species and commercial vessel limits of 2,200 lbs. for spot and 1,200 lbs. for Atlantic croaker. 

Links for more information:

Spot and Atlantic Croaker [MyFWC.com]

flounder diane rome peebles art


Reopens Dec. 1

The recreational harvest of flounder in all state and federal waters will reopen Dec. 1. The minimum size limit for flounder is 14 inches total length with a daily recreational bag limit of five fish per person. 

Learn more:


snook by diane rome peebles


Gulf season closes Dec. 1; Atlantic closes Dec. 15

Recreational snook harvest season closures include:


  • Season closes Dec. 1 in all Gulf state and federal waters, including Monroe County and Everglades National Park, and will remain closed through Feb. 28, 2022, reopening to harvest throughout most of the region on March 1, 2022.
  • Snook remains catch-and-release only in all state waters from State Road 64 in Manatee County south through Gordon Pass in Collier County through Aug. 31, 2022. 


  • Season closes Dec. 15 in Atlantic state and federal waters including Lake Okeechobee and the Kissimmee River, and will remain closed through Jan. 31, 2022, reopening to harvest Feb. 1, 2022.

Anglers may continue to catch and release snook during the closed season.

Link for more information:

Snook [MyFWC.com]

right whales

Right whales

Be on the lookout

If you plan to fish or boat off the Atlantic Coast of Florida this winter, please be on the lookout for North Atlantic Right Whales who are calving in our waters from November through April. These endangered species are extremely hard to spot and collisions have caused costly damage to boats, put passengers and crew at risk, and injured and killed right whales. With fewer than 350 left, right whales are one of the world's most endangered large whale species. 

Protect your boat and crew by doing the following:

  • Go slow, which may give you time to react. 
  • Post a lookout! Watch for black objects, whitewater, and splashes. 
  • Avoid boating in the dark, when visibility is poor, or in rough seas. 
  • Use the Whale Alert app to know if whales have recently been sighted or reported in your area. 
  • Keep at least 500 yards from right whales (it's the law). 
  • Report whale sightings and collisions immediately to the U.S. Coast Guard on marine VHF Ch. 16 or call 1-877-WHALE-HELP (942-5343).

Learn more:

Right whales [NOAA.gov]

Right whales [MyFWC.com]



December – January

State waters are from shore to 9 nautical miles in the Gulf and from shore to 3 nautical miles in the Atlantic.  

Dec. 1 – Snook (Gulf) closes

Dec. 1 – Flounder opens

Dec. 15 – Snook (Atlantic) closes

Jan. 1 – Grouper, several species (Atlantic) closes

Jan. 1 – Gag (Gulf) closes

Jan. 1 – Red grouper (Gulf) opens

Jan. 1 – Snappers, several species (Gulf) opens

Jan. 1 – Spotted seatrout (Central East) opens

Jan. 16-25 – Blue crab trap closure (St. Johns River system) 




Share your input on goliath grouper, redfish, trap fisheries, dolphinfish and more.

Provide your comments



Two pompano at once! Torrea Cross had one lucky day on the water. Congrats Torrea. 


December – January

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We will continue to monitor COVID-19 updates and plan events with this consideration in mind.

Lionfish Events Calendar

Dec. 15-16 – FWC Commission Meeting – Destin

Jan. 11 - Goliath grouper virtual workshop

Jan. 13 - Goliath grouper virtual workshop


facebook art contest

Post of the Month

Announcing The Florida Fish Art Contest – Catch a Florida Memory Facebook page

Do you know a student that likes to draw or paint? The Fish Art Contest is now open to all youth in grades K-12! To enter, each young artist submits an original illustration of a fish, a creative writing submission, and a completed entry form. The creative writing is only required for grades 4-12. The deadline to submit artwork is March 31st, 2022.

Learn more


Catch a Florida Memory Facebook

Lionfish Reef Rangers Facebook

FWC Facebook

FWC Instagram

FWC Saltwater Fishing YouTube

FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Facebook


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Where to Fish

Fish Handling

Learn to Fish

Fish Identification

Saltwater Fishing Tips

Recreational Regulations

On-the-water Etiquette

And More!

srfs state reef fish survey logo

State Reef Fish Angler

Do you fish for reef fish like snapper, grouper or triggerfish from a private recreational vessel off Florida? Then you are a State Reef Fish Angler. Sign up for this annual, no cost, required designation even if you are normally exempt from purchasing a fishing license at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com or learn more at MyFWC.com/SRFS.

Catch a Florida Memory

yellowtail snapper colby clark

Colby Clark added this yellowtail snapper, caught off St. Lucie County, to his Catch a Florida Memory Saltwater Life List

Submit saltwater catches and earn rewards

Have you caught a Florida memory? Submit photos of your saltwater catches to earn rewards for various achievements while targeting a diversity of species and reducing fishing pressure on the most commonly sought-after catches.

Join the Triple Threat Club and earn even more prizes (including a long sleeve performance fishing shirt and more) by participating in all three programs. Anglers must qualify for each of the three programs to be eligible.

FWC also manages the Florida Saltwater Fishing Records program.

Link for more information:


FL Coral Crew

Florida Coral Crew

If you want healthy, beautiful coral reefs and would like more information about Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease and what the FWC and partners are doing to help, join the Crew and sign up today: FLCoralCrew.com.

Marine Fisheries Staff Highlight

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Emmy Kyllonen is the assistant to the FWC’s Division of Marine Fisheries Management Director Jessica McCawley. Emmy started working with the agency 8 months ago and spends her time assisting Jessica, scheduling internal and external meetings, tracking division trainings, helping staff with travel arrangements, and helping coordinate documents for Commission meetings and council meetings. She comes from an outdoorsy family who love to take hunting and fishing vacations. She felt this job would be a wonderful opportunity to contribute to wildlife conservation and learn new and interesting things about marine fisheries, as fishing has always been one of her favorite hobbies. “I truly love the fast-paced nature of the job; there is never a dull moment, and there is always something new and exciting happening. It is an honor to be a part of such a hard-working, intelligent and fun-loving group of people.” Emmy is originally from Thomasville, Georgia. She moved to Tallahassee in 2007 to attend Florida State University and earned a B.A. in English – editing, writing and media with a minor in communications in 2012. She visits the Florida Keys every year with her family to do lobster diving and fishing. She also loves to horseback ride. She is married to husband Ethan, and they have a son, Jude, that will be 4 soon. She also has a brindle pit-bull mix named Delia.

Have questions for our staff? Email Marine@MyFWC.com.


Learn how our partner, the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida, helps the FWC achieve its mission.       

 Subscribe to their newsletter.

foundation logo
Sportfish restoration logo

Do you buy fishing gear? Fuel up your boat? Purchase a fishing license? Every time you do, you improve fishing opportunities through the federal Sport Fish Restoration program (SFR). Learn more about how you contribute and programs SFR supports at MyFWC.com/SFR.

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Contact us at 850-487-0554 or Marine@MyFWC.com

Sign up for Fishing in the Know and other Newsletters at MyFWC.com by clicking “Subscribe.”


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