Monday, February 14, 2022

The Triumph Gulf Coast Board moved $50 million of grants forward last week, bringing the total amount of grants awarded to over $300 million dollars across the eight-county Triumph region

The Triumph Gulf Coast Board moved $50 million of grants forward last week, bringing the total amount of grants awarded to over $300 million dollars across the eight-county Triumph region. 

Triumph Gulf Coast was established by the Florida Legislature to distribute nearly one and half billion dollars to the eight Gulf coast counties hit hardest by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Much of the grant money has come to our area with funding provided for the construction of a new Franklin Environmental, Career and Technical Center at the Franklin County School for courses in welding as well as health related fields, environmental fields, and manufacturing.

Money has also been provided to study and hopefully remedy the decline of the oysters in the Apalachicola Bay and provided money for a new fuel farm at the Apalachicola Airport.

Last week the Triumph Board voted to move ahead with Wakulla County School Board’s request for a $20 million dollar grant for the construction and implementation of the War Eagle Career Academy to be located at Wakulla High School.

The career academy will expand career and technical education in Wakulla County in partnership with Lively Technical College and the Franklin County School District to meet regional workforce needs.


The programs within the academy will prepare students for high-skill high-wage in demand jobs resulting in at least 7,450 industry certifications.

The Academy’s classes will be open to students in grades K-12 during the school day, summer programs and adult students in the evening.


Examples of the new and expanded programs include artificial intelligence; Amazon Web Services; physical therapy and sports medicine; television production; Cloud Computing; banking, finance, and investments; and automotive technology.

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