Thursday, February 10, 2022

VISIT FLORIDA and the Adventure Travel and Trade Association will hold a two-day Adventure Travel Training program at the Fort Coombs Armory in Apalachicola

 VISIT FLORIDA and the Adventure Travel and Trade Association will hold a two-day Adventure Travel Training program at the Fort Coombs Armory in Apalachicola next week and the deadline to apply is February the 14th.

The program is designed to strengthen the capacity of Florida's rural destinations to compete successfully in the adventure travel market.

Registration is $45 per day and covers the cost of lunch, coffee and refreshments throughout the day.

The program is presented by practicing industry leaders who work in the current adventure travel marketplace.

The program will be held on February the 17th and 18th and will include an overview of the forces that are likely to shape the future of tourism at large, including adventure travel.

There will be a discussion on sustainability as well as the tools and tactics for marketing to today’s adventure traveler. 

The second day will be devoted to the principles of marketing through trade partnerships including an interactive lab that will engage participants in practicing preparations for trade shows and for meeting new trade partners.

The deadline to register for the program in February the 14th.

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