Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Franklin County Commissioners have agreed to consider a move to strengthen Franklin county’s height restriction on buildings in the county

Franklin County Commissioners have agreed to consider a move to strengthen Franklin county’s height restriction on buildings in the county.

Currently buildings in Franklin County cannot be taller than 35 feet which has helped protect the county from some of the massive condominiums that are seen in many other coastal areas.

Apalachicola resident Bobby Miller spoke on the issue before the county commission last week, and he asked that the board consider strengthening the current height restriction by making it harder for commissioners to change it.

He asked that the commission add to the existing rule that it would take a vote of at least 4 of the 5 county commissioners before an exception to the height restriction could be allowed.

This is similar to rule changes being considered by the city of Apalachicola.

The board did agree to move forward on the request, but the county attorney will have to investigate how best to move forward.

The commission agreed to have county attorney Michael Shuler look into the issue and report back with his findings at a future meeting.


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