Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Northwest District Clarifier Wastewater Newsletter

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March 8, 2023

Please Welcome Our Newest Wastewater Team Members!

While some have been with us for a bit of time now, we'd like to introduce you to our team members who have joined our wastewater Compliance Assurance Program (CAP) team and our wastewater permitting team since our last issue of the Clarifier Wastewater Newsletter.

New Team Members in Our Wastewater Compliance Assurance Program:

Cameron Arthur

Cameron Arthur
Environmental Specialist

Rebecca Bacewicz

Rebecca Bacewicz
Environmental Manager

Dominic Bertelli

Dominic Bertelli
Environmental Specialist

Mike Brumfield

Mike Brumfield
Environmental Specialist

Christina Horstmann

Christina Horstmann
Environmental Specialist

Haylee Howard

Haylee Howard
Environmental Specialist

Morgan Newsom

Morgan Newsom
Environmental Specialist

Colby Saults

Colby Saults
Environmental Specialist

New Team Members in Our Wastewater Permitting Program:

Bill Armstrong

Bill Armstrong
Environmental Specialist

Reema Eqab

Reema Eqab
Environmental Specialist

Jonice Hicks

Jonice Hicks
Engineering Specialist

Tameasha Tisdale

Tameasha Tisdale
Engineering Specialist

Annual Reclaimed
Water Analysis

Annual Reclaimed Water Analysis Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) must be completed for the year of permit renewal for applicable facilities and during years when new non-domestic dischargers are added to the facility's collection system.

For the years when monitoring is not required, the DMR must still be submitted with "MNR" and check box selected certifying no new non-domestic connections. This meets the permit condition in lieu of the separate certification statement letter.  

Updated DEP Form

In case you missed it, the Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmissions System application form and the Notification of Completion of Construction for a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System form were updated at the end of October 2021.

Pathogen Monitoring

The sampling frequency for pathogen monitoring is outlined in the facility's permit (quarterly, every two years or once every five years). The pathogen monitoring report and the final laboratory report must be submitted to both the Northwest District office and the DEP Water Reuse Coordinator.

Monitoring for Giardia and Cryprosporidium are included for facilities with capacities of 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD) or larger for reclaimed water. Sample results are due during the years they are required on or before Nov. 28 of that year. A subsequent sample must be taken and analyzed if the number of potentially viable cysts of Giardia reported exceeds 5 per 100 liters or if oocysts of Cryptosporidium reported exceeds 22 per 100 liters.

The subsequent sample must be collected within 90 days of the initial sample and analyzed for both Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and the results should be submitted along with the form and final laboratory results to the department within 60 days of sample collection. The results should be submitted with the same method as the initial required samples outlined above.  


Florida's WATER Tracker provides a robust and interactive communication and coordination platform for all water utilities to use in emergency situations such as hurricanes. WATER Tracker ensures that the needs of individual facilities are met as quickly and efficiently as possible and that the entire statewide network runs smoothly to better serve the people of Florida. Please visit Florida's Water Tracker to set up an account.

State of Florida Holiday
Office Closures for 2023

May 29 - Memorial Day
July 4 - Independence Day
Sept. 4 - Labor Day
Nov. 10 - Veterans Day (observed)
Nov. 23-24 - Thanksgiving
Dec. 25 - Christmas Day


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Mark Sumner is Our New
Branch Office Environmental Administrator!

Mark Sumner

We are pleased to announce that Mark Sumner is the new Environmental Administrator over our Panama City and Tallahassee branch offices. 

Mark has been with the department since 2006 and has a master's degree in Public Health specializing in Environmental Health. Prior to this position, Mark served the department as an Environmental Consultant focused on emergency response.

New Sanitary Sewer Overflow Resources


The Northwest District has created a useful SSO Sampling Guidance and SSO Testing Search Tool that includes waterbody identification (WBID) number, waterbody name, class, testing parameters and single sampling maximum limit for all the WBIDs in the Northwest District area.

If you have any questions or trouble with the testing search tool, please email

Discharge Monitoring Report Reminders

View our Helpful Tips for Completing Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) document that includes how to report averages when the limit frequency is less than monitoring frequency (e.g., weekly average but biweekly monitoring).  

Unlike calculating flow averages, the definitions in Rules 62-620.200 and 62-600.200, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), indicate that averages for most pollutants (excluding fecal coliform) and their associated effluent limitations are calculated based on the arithmetic mean of any samples collected during the period.

In accordance with Rule 62-620.610(18), F.A.C., when averaging results or determining other reporting values (e.g., maximums) for the DMRs, all observations obtained for a reporting period in accordance with DEP approved methods shall be used for each effluent quality parameter. Thus, even sample results that are in addition to the minimum monitoring requirements in a permit should be used to calculate the average, minimum and maximum values for reporting to the department. 

Reporting Flow Summary:  

  • For monthly average flows, divide the total volume for the month by the number of days in the month.
  • For annual average flows, divide the sum of the 12 monthly averages by 12 months or the sum of the total volume for the year by 365 days.
  • Use zero for days or months of no discharge.
  • Report in units as specified on the DMR. 

Always submit comments on the DMR when exceedances occur to explain the potential cause and remedial actions taken.

NWD 2022 Plant Excellence Award Winner

Regional Utilities Sandestin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has been recognized as DEP's Northwest District 2022 Plant Excellence Award winner for Type I Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants.

The program recognizes water and wastewater facilities that demonstrate operational excellence in innovative treatment; operation, maintenance and compliance; waste reduction and pollution prevention; and recycling.

Regional Utilities Sandestin

NWD Director Elizabeth Orr with Regional Utilities Sandestin WWTP representatives.

Regional Utilities Sandestin implements a rigorous operations and maintenance program for the entire utility infrastructure and achieves high standards.

The utility focuses on consistent process control techniques for permit compliance, including tests to ensure continuous compliance with permit limits in real time. Results are evaluated daily to allow operators to make informed decisions concerning plant operations. Regional Utilities also utilizes Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) technology for gathering real-time data to monitor and control the plant’s equipment and processes.

Fecal Coliform Sampling

Sampling and analysis should be conducted in accordance with Code and Federal Regulations (CFR) 40 CFR 503.8 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document, August 1989.

In cases where conflicts exist between 40 CFR 503.8 and the POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance document, the requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.8 will apply.  

Quality Assurance Audits

The quality assurance (QA) requirements for analytical laboratories and field activities are codified in Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., and the incorporated DEP Standard Operating Procedures. The department provides technical guidance and support for sample collection including appropriate techniques; field testing procedures and instrument calibration; quality control requirements; data interpretation; and analytical tests.

The department conducts various audits to determine compliance with the QA rules and specific project data quality objectives, and it provides assistance in implementing corrective actions for process improvement. Audits include on-site field and laboratory audits, records audits and project audits on completed work to determine the reliability and usability of the data. 

helpful links

Information Portal
Northwest District Website
Northwest District Contacts
Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System (Notification/Application)
Operator Certification
Preventing SSOs Fact Sheet
Quality Assurance SOPs
Request for Approval to Place a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System into Operation (clearance)
SSO Fact Sheet 
Wastewater Rules

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