Friday, March 3, 2023

Plan for pollinators, UV light helps cantaloupe growers, and more UF/IFAS news



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  For the week beginning February 27, 2023

 What's the buzz? As the weather warms, Florida's pollinators are becoming more active
. Help them thrive with a pollinator-friendly garden, or read some guidebooks on pollinators and native plantsContact us if you plan to cover pollinators >

Related: Panhandle residents are invited to participate in the inaugural No Mow March, a monthlong celebration of pollinators.


Below are the most recent research, programs, events and more from UF/IFAS. We can help you cover and localize news to your area; just use the contact links below or reply to this email.

UV light may help farmers vanquish deadly cantaloupe pathogen

In the Sunshine State, cantaloupe producers are largely in Collier, Hendry, Hardee, Manatee and Hillsborough counties. Florida farmers harvest cantaloupe from mid-March through May. Download here > Contact > 

UF/IFAS to find lessons learned from Hurricane Ian for Florida citrus growers

The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) has awarded UF/IFAS a one-year grant of $288,000 as part of its Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Events Across Food and Agricultural Systems program. Contact > 

What homeowners should know about pesticide safety

When can you DIY or should call in a professional? How can I keep my pets safe? Two University of Florida experts give us the answers. Contact > 



NEW REGULATION | In effect as of March 1: Recreational crab traps in Florida are required to have an opening no larger than 6-by-2 inches, per new Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission regulations.

Recreational crabbers can get a FREE device at select UF/IFAS Extension offices

More than 25,000 people hold recreational crab trap permits in the state. The new regulation prevents accidental trapping and drowning of diamondback terrapins, a turtle species of special concern to scientists. Contact >

Y en español | El 1 de marzo entrará en vigor la nueva medida regulatoria de FWC para las trampas recreativas para cangrejosContacto >


More from UF/IFAS Communications

Our blogs share knowledge: Be on the lookout for a potential new invasive coral species

Ana Zangroniz, UF/IFAS Extension Florida Sea Grant agent in Miami-Dade County, shares a new invader discovered by coral reef scientists in the Caribbean, Xenia soft corals. Contact >

Video stories: Stop 'crape murder'

It's that time of year again... when homeowners improperly trim their crape myrtles. Let Wendy Wilber, statewide coordinator of the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program, educate you on the right and wrong way to prune this tree. Contact >

Visual learning: Economic contributions of Florida citrus infographic

The UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program recently released the 2020-21 report for the industry. See more infographics > Contact >

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