Friday, March 10, 2023

Summer camp improvements, apple snail impacts, and more UF/IFAS news


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  For the week beginning March 6, 2023

 Thinking about summer camps? It's about that time again for parents. Florida 4-H serves youth each summer in three camps across the state. Learn how they're making the best better for future campersContact us about locations in Niceville, Madison or Lake Placid >


Below are the most recent research, programs, events and more from UF/IFAS. We can help you cover and localize news to your area; just use the contact links below or reply to this email.

Para el contenido en español de la edición de esta semana, por favor utilice este enlace.

Study dives into invasive apple snails' threat to Florida’s wetlands

Apple snails are found in freshwater lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and ditches throughout Florida, from Miami-Dade County to as far northeast as Nassau County, and as far west as Okaloosa County. Contact > 

Youth-led research uncovers needs of those affected by parental incarceration

Through an approach called youth participatory action research, or YPAR, the University of Florida social scientists recruited and trained three young adults to conduct their own research on family member incarceration. Contact > 

UF/IFAS, UF College of Medicine host 4th clinic, nutrition event to help farmworkers

The clinic will be held in conjunction with a UF/IFAS Extension agricultural employee safety training, in Arcadia on March 23. Contact > 

En español: 
UF/IFAS y la Facultad de Medicina de UF se unen durante un evento de nutrición y seguridad laboral para ayudar a los trabajadores agrícolas
Contacto >



CELEBRATING THE WOMEN OF UF/IFAS | Content that ties into Women's History Month.

Meet Katia Viana Xavier: Plant pathologist forging change for food security in the EAA

The first female plant pathologist at the 102-year-old?UF/IFAS Everglades Research & Education Center?(EREC), Xavier studies plant diseases to increase food security while promoting crop sustainability for growers. Contact >

From her roots in Colombia, Extension agent aims to help the 'have-nots'

Nelly Nelson's upbringing in Bogotá is a driving force behind her desire to help the less fortunate as the family and consumer sciences agent for UF/IFAS Extension Manatee CountyContact >



Tenemos una variedad de publicaciones de UF/IFAS que ahora se traducen al español para darle un mejor servicio a nuestras comunidades de habla hispana. A continuación encontrarás nuestras publicaciones e infográficos más recientes.


Criando sus propias gallinas ponedoras en áreas residenciales

Consulte las regulaciones locales, sea considerado con los vecinos y aprenda sobre las razas, nutrición y cómo mantener a sus aves a salvo de los depredadores. Contacto >

In English:
Raising backyard chickens for eggsContact >

Alimentación saludable mientras viaja

Haga un plan, considere la seguridad de sus alimentos, sea realista y busque el balance. Contacto >

In English:
 Healthy eating while travelingContact >

Pagando su deuda

Tratar de pagar su deuda puede ser abrumador, pero existen estrategias y recursos que pueden ayudarle. Contacto >

In English:
 Paying down debtContact >


More from UF/IFAS Communications

Our blogs share knowledge: What to do with an armadillo?

The simplest answer, says Wayne Hobbs of UF/IFAS Extension Clay County, is to hire a wildlife control professional because they are licensed to capture and remove nuisance wildlife from your yard. Contact >

Video stories: Tree pollen

Michael Andreu, UF/IFAS forester, says all trees in Florida produce some kind of pollen, but some are more allergenic than others. Contact >

Visual learning: Emergency funds and how to start one infographic

This tax season, take the opportunity to get ahead with rainy day savings. See more infographics > Contact >

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