Thursday, September 7, 2023

Governor Ron DeSantis has requested the U.S. Secretary of Commerce issue a federal fisheries disaster declaration to help the fishing industry in the Big Bend area after Hurricane Idalia

Governor Ron DeSantis has requested the U.S. Secretary of Commerce issue a federal fisheries disaster declaration to help the fishing industry in the Big Bend area after Hurricane Idalia.

The disaster declaration would provide access to federal funding that would allow offshore, nearshore, and inshore fisheries to rebuild.

Hurricane Idalia heavily impacted the fishing industry in the Big Bend area through loss of boat facilities, halting commercial and charter fishing and loss of product due to power outages.

Additionally, tourism for fishing in the area will be impacted while the community rebuilds.

Governor DeSantis requested a similar federal fisheries disaster declaration following Hurricane Ian last year.

That request has not yet been approved.

Secretary of Commerce J. Alex Kelly said “The fishing industry is an economic driver for this part of Florida and it is important that the people who are dependent on the success of the fisheries are able to access federal funding to keep their businesses going,”

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