Friday, September 22, 2023

Hurricane Ian anniversary, Hurricane Idalia impacts, and more UF/IFAS news


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For the week beginning September 18, 2023







TIMELY NEWS | Category 4 Hurricane Ian made landfall on an island just west of Fort Myers on Sept. 28, 2022. Contact us about this topic >

A year after Ian, Southwest Florida recovering with help of UF/IFAS Extension

“We play a role as an ‘information first responder’ for our communities, and connect partners with UF/IFAS resources to help provide research information and long-term community planning," said the UF/IFAS Extension Lee County director.







Below are the most recent research, programs, events and more from UF/IFAS. We can help you cover and localize news to your area; just use the contact links below or reply to this email.

Hurricane Idalia: Florida ag production losses top $78M, UF economists estimate

Some 3 million acres of agricultural lands were in the storm’s path, including row crops like peanuts and cotton, dairy and poultry farms, aquaculture operations and more. The estimate does not place a value on infrastructure damage. Contact >

En español: Huracán Idalia: los economistas de UF estiman pérdidas en la producción agrícola de Florida que superan los $78 millonesContacto >

Hear from Christa Court, director of the UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program: A virtual press conference Sept. 21 featured a short presentation and Q&A session. View the full meeting at, and recordings and other assets are available for download at

Scientists seek to build better mosquito surveillance system for southeast region

Over the next two years, with a USDA-NIFA grant, a team of researchers at the UF/IFAS Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory will develop a low-cost trap to lure mosquitoes and create a web-based dashboard. Contact >

Team records the spread of Asian subterranean termites in Florida Keys

A UF study published in Biological Invasions provides a one-of-a-kind evolutionary map and timeline that reconstructs the historical spread of the Asian subterranean termite over 22 years on Key West. Contact >

Superfood muscadine grapes get new recipe for success

UF/IFAS researchers found a way to make the muscadine grape highly palatable by freeze-drying them. The taste is light and crisp, with a sweet-and-sour tartness. They have a delightful crunch and melt in your mouth like cotton candy. Contact >








UF/IFAS conducted more than $300 million in research for historic fiscal year 2023

UF/IFAS rose 8% from last year; it is the second-largest contributor to UF’s record-breaking $1.25 billion in research spending for fiscal year 2023, a nearly 15% increase from 2022. Contact >

En español: UF/IFAS alcanzó un nuevo récord para el año fiscal del 2023 con más de $300 millones en gastos de investigaciónContacto >

Wedgworth Leadership Institute selects Class XII

The program broadens participants’ perspectives and builds a network within the industry and beyond. As a result, program graduates are equipped to address challenges of local, state, national and global dimensions. Contact >







BEST OF THE REST | Alternative story formats created or supported by UF/IFAS Communications.





Our blogs share knowledge: September Is Better Breakfast Month: Why Is It So Important?

Maria Portelos-Rometo, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County agent, shares that individuals who regularly eat a morning meal usually consume more vitamins, minerals and fiber for the day, per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Contact >

RELATED: Better Breakfast Month infographic.

Video stories: Carrots in the Florida garden

Bob Hochmuth, UF/IFAS horticulture expert, says the time to plant carrot seeds comes as soon as the hot weather breaks for cooler fall days. (Hopefully, soon!) Contact >

Visual learning: Tips for reducing harmful chemicals in stormwater runoff infographic

Fertilizers, household chemicals and even pet waste can run off your property and cause negative impacts on water quality. Download > See more infographics > Contact >

En español: Consejos para propietarios de viviendas para Reducir las Sustancias Químicas Nocivas en la Escorrentía de Aguas Pluviales infográfico. Use este enlace para acceder al contenido > Contacto >






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