If you have some pictures or other memorabilia from the old Apalachicola City Hall at the corner of Avenue E and Water Street, the city would love to see it and maybe add it to a time capsule they plan to bury there.
Apalachicola’s historic Middlebrook building, which once housed City Hall and the Apalachicola Police Station, is currently undergoing extensive repair and restoration to preserve and protect this historic landmark.
The building was constructed in 1836 but was damaged during Hurricane Michael in 2018.
The repairs and renovations are being done thanks to a $395,000 grant from the National Parks Service and the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources.
To commemorate the work and the history of the landmark, the City is putting together a time capsule that will be buried beneath a soon-to-be poured concrete floor of the building.
If you have a memory of the building that you’d like to share, maybe you worked there and had other connections to it – the city would love to see it.
They are collecting photos, newspaper clippings and general memories.
You can bring your pictures to the city offices at 192 Coach Wagner Boulevard in Apalachicola, but they need them very soon.
The deadline is Monday, September 18th.
Your pictures will be placed in the time capsule to save for generations to come.
Be sure and write your name and relationship to the building on the back of any pictures or other items you bring.
Apalachicola’s historic Middlebrook building, which once housed City Hall and the Apalachicola Police Station, is currently undergoing extensive repair and restoration to preserve and protect this historic landmark.
The building was constructed in 1836 but was damaged during Hurricane Michael in 2018.
The repairs and renovations are being done thanks to a $395,000 grant from the National Parks Service and the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources.
To commemorate the work and the history of the landmark, the City is putting together a time capsule that will be buried beneath a soon-to-be poured concrete floor of the building.
If you have a memory of the building that you’d like to share, maybe you worked there and had other connections to it – the city would love to see it.
They are collecting photos, newspaper clippings and general memories.
You can bring your pictures to the city offices at 192 Coach Wagner Boulevard in Apalachicola, but they need them very soon.
The deadline is Monday, September 18th.
Your pictures will be placed in the time capsule to save for generations to come.
Be sure and write your name and relationship to the building on the back of any pictures or other items you bring.
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