Friday, September 8, 2023

Survey collecting Idalia impacts, improving post-harvest produce, and more UF/IFAS news


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For the week beginning September 4, 2023







 Idalia's rainfall is likely yielding a new batch of freshly hatched mosquitoes. Need an expert voice? Contact us >






Below are the most recent research, programs, events and more from UF/IFAS. We can help you cover and localize news to your area; just use the contact links below or reply to this email.

Survey open: Florida agricultural producers encouraged to share Idalia impacts

For this storm, the Economic Impact Analysis Program narrowed focus to the Big Bend region and surrounding inland areas of the state, with more than 3 million acres of agricultural lands – much of it used for grazing – in the areas of potential impact. Contact >

En español: Encuesta abierta al público: UF/IFAS insta a los productores agrícolas de Florida a reportar los impactos del Huracán IdaliaContacto >

Scientists investigate how to keep fruits, veggies fresher before they reach stores

To solve the puzzle of why produce ages differently when it’s harvested than when it’s left on the plant, UF/IFAS scientists use genomics and genome editing in a recent study on broccoli. Contact >

Florida Sea Grant launches new website for 'Eyes on Seagrass' citizen science program

More and more people are volunteering for the citizen science program. They use scientifically sound methods to collect seaweed and water samples and send them to UF/IFAS scientists for testing. Contact >

Learn to grow food locally; award-winning urban food production short course is back

Topics covered include sustainable agriculture, creating a business and marketing plan, post-harvest and food handling, and more. The six-week course, offered in-person or virtually, starts Oct. 16. Registration is open now. Contact >

USAID with Feed the Future funding awards $4M to UF/IFAS to improve Haitian livestock production and research capacity

USAID programs have targeted Haiti because 2.5 million people in the Caribbean nation live in extreme poverty. Contact >

UF/IFAS recently welcomed...

 Julie Dillard, interim Northwest Extension district director
 Renee Goodrich, food science and human nutrition department chair

Contact >








Tenemos una variedad de publicaciones de UF/IFAS que ahora se traducen al español para darle un mejor servicio a nuestras comunidades de habla hispana. A continuación encontrarás nuestras publicaciones e infográficos más recientes.

Los investigadores están a punto de desarrollar una industria nacional para la vainilla

La vainilla se posiciona como la segunda especia más valiosa (después del azafrán) y la que tiene el sabor más popular entre los consumidores a nivel mundial. Contacto > 

In English: UF/IFAS research: On the verge of developing a domestic industry for one of the world’s most valuable spicesContact >






FROM THE EMERGING PATHOGENS INSTITUTE | This interdisciplinary group of UF scientists tackles issues of global health and economic concern. Several UF/IFAS departments are represented in its affiliate faculty.

Chronic wasting disease, fatal to deer, arrives in Florida

In June, Florida confirmed its first known case of chronic wasting disease in Holmes County. Samantha Wisely, professor in the UF/IFAS Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Department, discusses what the disease's arrival means. Contact > 







BEST OF THE REST | Alternative story formats created or supported by UF/IFAS Communications.





Our blogs share knowledge: Post-hurricane landscaping tips: Check for ‘widow makers’

Forest Hecker, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County, advises everyone to check after storms for lodged branches, leaning trees, and hollow or rotten trees. Contact >

Video stories: PlantArray System

Director of the program, William Hammond, says this system will help reduce the time needed to find which plants will be best suited to both grow and survive under future climatic conditions. Contact >

Visual learning: Monster Mixtures

Whether cleaning after a hurricane or just tidying up, beware mixing common household chemicals that are dangerous in combination. See more infographics > Contact >

En español: Mezclas Monstruosas infográfico. Contacto >






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