Wednesday, November 15, 2023

This was a successful sea turtle nesting season in Florida

This was a successful sea turtle nesting season in Florida, with a record number of Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtle nests found on beaches around the state.


The 2023 nesting season officially came to a close on October 31st, but some green turtles will continue to hatch and head to the water throughout the month of November.


The final preliminary statewide totals as of October 31st include just over 134 thousand loggerhead nests statewide-beating the previous annual record of nearly 123 thousand nests in2016.


There were also over 76,600 green turtle nests beating the previous annual record of just over 53 thousand set in 2017.


Turtle patrols also found 1,711 leatherback nests and there were 10 confirmed Kemp’s Ridley nests.


It’s not surprising that there were so few Kemp’s Ridley nests as almost the entire Kemp’s ridley sea turtle population nests on the beaches of the western Gulf of Mexico, just south of the United States-Mexico border. 


The FWC said official nesting season numbers will be available in February.


The 2024 nesting season will begin next March.

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